
Georgia Videotapes Prisoner Execution

Jeff Neumann · 07/22/11 05:28AM

For the time in 20 years the execution of a prison inmate in the U.S. was videotaped, when Georgia executed Andrew DeYoung last night by lethal injection for killing his parents and sister in 1993. A legal fight between the state's prosecutors and the Georgia Supreme Court delayed DeYoung's execution by a day, but last night the camera rolled.

Mark Stroman Will Die Tomorrow

Remy Stern · 07/19/11 02:38PM

Tomorrow, the state of Texas will kill Mark Stroman by means of lethal injection. Today, a man he tried to murder, Rais Bhuyian, is praying Texas will spare Stroman's life.

Casey Anthony Found Not Guilty

Maureen O'Connor · 07/05/11 01:41PM

The verdict is in. After a tabloid-monopolizing murder trial, Casey Anthony has been found "not guilty" of killing daughter Caylee in 2008, which is odd, because the trial-by-press was pretty unanimous about her guilt.

Man Convicted for Killing Over Some Car Rims

Lauri Apple · 06/11/11 02:18PM

A set of cursed car rims brought about the death of one Texas man, and perhaps will result in the death of another. It it all very senseless and sad.

California Scraps Plans for 'Cadillac' Death Row

Jeff Neumann · 04/29/11 04:20AM

The trickle down from the financial crisis continues to wreak havoc on America, and the latest victim is our collective blood lust. The governor of broke ass California decided that building a $356 million, awe-inspiring new Death Row at San Quentin wasn't fiscally responsible. As it turns out, the construction costs, on top of just running the place, got way out of hand. From the San Francisco Chronicle:

China Won't Execute You for Tax-Dodging Anymore

Max Read · 02/25/11 03:45AM

Everyone knows that the only country that loves killing its own citizens more than the U.S. is China. But on Friday, the Chinese decided it loved killing its citizens just a little bit less: The government "ruled out" the death penalty as a punishment for thirteen "economic" and "nonviolent" offenses, including financial fraud, theft, tax fraud and smuggling cultural products out of China. The thing is—according to the AP—people rarely are executed for these crimes right now, so it's unlikely to make a dent in China's massive execution rate. The U.S. has so much to learn, when it comes to capital punishment! [AP]

George W. Bush Failed to Stop Another Flawed Texas Execution

Jim Newell · 11/12/10 03:02PM

Here's the latest horror story about Texas' justice system, where the same tale never ceases to shock: A convicted murderer executed in 2000, after being denied a crucial last-minute DNA test by Gov. George W. Bush, may have been innocent.

Google Accidentally Supported Executions

Ryan Tate · 10/28/10 05:51PM

Google helped create an ad calling for California's "worst criminals" to get the death penalty, with "no exceptions." But it was inadvertent; Google doesn't even support sentencing people to death. Whoops.