
An Oil Well Killer Meets His Prey

Jeff Neumann · 05/26/10 06:02AM

Today BP is trying a "top kill" to stop the oil leaking into the Gulf. The man tasked with doing it, Pat Campbell, has some words for the well: "I'm here, I'm touching you, I'm telling you you're dead."

Oil Spill Day 28: The Good News Dies Fast

Jeff Neumann · 05/17/10 04:25AM

Good news: BP says that the siphoning tube is starting to work. Bad news: The spill is heading closer to a "loop current" that would pull it into the Atlantic Ocean and up the East Coast. [WSJ, AP, Getty]

Today's Failed Oil Spill Cleanup Scheme

Ravi Somaiya · 05/15/10 01:15PM

BP, those cheeky scamps, are always coming up with madcap ways to quell that oil spill. Today's effort involved threading a tube into the leaking well and just, like, SUCKING, the oil up to the surface. It failed. [AP]

BP's Desperate Attempts to Quell Oil Spill Continue

Ravi Somaiya · 05/14/10 09:48AM

First it was a big stopper, then they wanted to, like, bung stuff in the leaking well, then it was a smaller stopper. Now BP plan to stop the oil by, you know, putting a tube in. [AP]