Whites Win Control of Nation's Capital
Hamilton Nolan · 07/18/11 11:08AMMexican Babies Now Greatest Threat to the American Way
Hamilton Nolan · 07/15/11 09:14AMAwesome: America's Never Had Fewer Children
Hamilton Nolan · 07/12/11 04:46PMOld People Are Clogging Up the Suburbs
Hamilton Nolan · 06/28/11 10:59AM
Demographic analysis is not all that hard, if you think about it. Young white kids are flooding into our nation's cities; the crumbling suburban wasteland, therefore, is welcoming an influx of formerly urban black people. This could be seen as a reasonably fair trade, except for one key factor—the old people are still there in the suburbs. And they're cranky.
Atlanta Welcomes Black People by Totally Collapsing
Hamilton Nolan · 06/22/11 03:59PMReport: 'Young, Hip Vibe' Strikes Washington, DC
Hamilton Nolan · 05/05/11 10:20AM
Three hipness reporters from the hipness desk of hipness arbiter The Washington Post drop an investigative bombshell today: while politicians were politicking, and lobbyists were lobbying, and tourists were touristing, and go-goers were go-going, something sinister was happening in Washington. It was becoming young—and hip.
America Is Moving South, Turning Hispanic
Hamilton Nolan · 04/15/11 04:05PMBarack Obama Can Just Ignore White Voters Now
Jim Newell · 04/01/11 03:09PM
Even when Democrats' fortunes tumble spectacularly in the short-term, the party can always remind itself that national demographic trends favor them in the end. Many, many old white people will die soon enough. This generation's youth voters are lopsidedly liberal. Meanwhile, Hispanics — who've voted strongly for Democrats in the last two elections after mainstream Republican rhetoric took a sharply nativist turn in 2007 — will occupy a larger and ever growing percentage of the American population. Throw in reliable support from 80-90% of African Americans, and the Democratic party could be dominant in the not-too-distant future.
Americans of All Races Are Finally Sexing Each Other Up
Hamilton Nolan · 03/25/11 08:42AMNew York City Just Goofed Off the Whole Past Decade
Hamilton Nolan · 03/24/11 04:08PM
What was New York City up to from 2000-2010? Just the exact same old shit as ever, if you believe the U.S. Census. The calculator-wielding census nerds have tabulated all the latest numbers, and guess what? NYC barely grew a bit in the past ten years. A measly 167,000 new people. What a waste of time.
Country Folks Splittin' Up More These Days
Hamilton Nolan · 03/24/11 10:09AM
Time was that good salt-of-the-earth country folks never would get divorced. They'd just sit around, whittling and canning preserves and fantasizing about whittling down their awful spouse's dead body into tiny parts and putting those parts into jars and calling them "preserves," and fleeing to Brazil. They never would, though. They'd just think about.
Black People Moving to Suburbs as White People Move to Cities
Hamilton Nolan · 03/22/11 09:35AM
Data from the 2010 U.S. census continues to trickle out, and with each new set of numbers, a fuller picture of our terrifying changing nation emerges. We need a whole new set of stereotypes, for chrissake. Today, we learn the shocking flipside to the trend of white kids overrunning our nation's cities: there are not quite so many black people in our nation's cities!
Report: Women Slowly Creeping Up on Men
Hamilton Nolan · 03/01/11 11:25AM
Women: always sneaking up behind men, trying to take our money. The latest confirmation comes from a new White House report on the "state of women," which confirms what you'd always suspected: women are catching up. Oh, they're still lagging—women make about 75% as much as men these days, for the same jobs—but they're creeping up from behind elsewhere. They're getting more college degrees! Getting married later in life (30, for college-educated women)! And the wise refusal to be dragged down by a family:
America's Most Hopeless Counties Getting More Hopeless
Hamilton Nolan · 02/22/11 11:18AM
The news out of Real America: Real America is dying. That's a technical term! New census figures show that a full one in four counties in America are "dying," meaning that they have more deaths than births. They're slowly being erased from not only sociopolitical relevance, but from existence itself!
Texas Taken Over by Mescans
Hamilton Nolan · 02/18/11 03:49PMAmerica's Inner Cities Overrun by White Kids
Hamilton Nolan · 02/16/11 10:02AM
The "Good Old Days" in America, when White Sue and Pale Johnny only viewed their nearest city's urban hellscape through the windows of a speeding SUV as they drove back to the suburbs after watching the big ballgame are over. Consider America's ongoing demographic trends: the evolution of suburbs into slums; the migration of black Americans from Northern cities back to the South; every god damn 22 year-old who's ever strummed an acoustic guitar moving to Austin. The writing is on the wall. And now, the data has confirmed what we all feared: America's cities are full of white kids.