
Cereal For Dessert

Jordan Sargent · 07/28/15 04:20PM

Late at night, you may sometimes find yourself being tugged in two directions by the small and insistent hole growing in your stomach. Maybe you want a sweet treat before you lay your head down to sleep. But maybe you want something more substantial—not just the goodnight kiss of a morsel of chocolate, but what Taco Bell has accurately termed/branded the “fourth meal.” Thankfully for us all, I recently discovered a solution.

Is the Cupcake Boom Over? (Yes)

Hamilton Nolan · 07/08/14 08:24AM

There was a time—after Sex and the City glorified Magnolia Bakery, and before carbs were universally considered poison—when cupcakes were gold. Today, as a cupcake chain closes its doors, we must ask: Is the golden age of cupcakes over?

Why Do Tourists Love Fudge?

Hamilton Nolan · 08/20/13 02:25PM

I grew up in a tourist-laden town in sunny Florida. Its main downtown tourist street was full of fudge shops. I recently traveled to a popular small town in wintry Canada. Its main downtown tourist street was littered with fudge shops. What is it with tourism and fudge?

Why No Orange Pie?

Hamilton Nolan · 11/21/12 10:00AM

Oranges: a popular fruit. Very popular. Go in any place that sells fruit, fruit store, or whatever, and I bet one thing you will see there displayed prominently is—that's right—oranges. The point is that oranges are very popular in America. So then, smartass: why is there no orange pie?

World's Most Expensive Dessert Is a Golden Train Wreck

Lauri Apple · 10/14/11 05:23AM

To make your own version of the world's most expensive dessert, go to Costco and pick up a two-carat diamond, a squeezable bottle of champagne jelly (they sell an economy-sized version now), champagne caviar, bitter dark chocolate, orange, peach and whiskey-flavored Belgian chocolate, "a light biscuit joconde" (not this kind of joconde but this kind), a gold ring, some pink things, and several sheets of gold leaf.

Freak Bananas Foster Accident Maims Four

Maureen O'Connor · 06/14/11 10:24AM

A flaming "rum-and-banana concoction" went wild at a Florida restaurant yesterday, maiming four people with first- and second-degree burns. Coincidentally, one of the chefs was recently certified as a firefighter, so he saved everyone.

This Is a Cake With Pies Baked Inside of It

Max Read · 10/08/10 02:48AM

Ever think, "cake is pretty good, but it would be way better if it had pies inside of it"? This is that cake: The Pumpple, consisting of apple and pumpkin pies "baked inside layers of chocolate and vanilla cake."

Gawker.TV Takes a Top Chef: Just Desserts Field Trip

Matt Cherette · 09/15/10 02:45PM

Tonight is the premiere of Top Chef: Just Desserts on Bravo, and the network is marking it by holding a free, nationwide "Just Desserts Day" celebration. So, Whitney Jefferson and I took a little field trip! Here's what we got.

Eating & Drinking: Wednesday Edition

cityfile · 02/18/09 04:52PM

• Payard Patsserie was shut down by the Dept. of Health today. [Eater, NYT]
• Susur Lee's Shang only earns one star from Bruni in today's Times: "The magic that Mr. Lee reputedly made in Toronto hasn't followed him here." [NYT]
• Is chef Damon Wise saying goodbye to Tom Colicchio's Craft empire? [NYO]
• More mixed reviews for L'Artusi in the West Village. [Bloomberg, TONY]
• Is Anita Lo's Annisa up for sale? [Eater]
Drew Nieporent is joining Danny Meyer at Citi Field. [Crain's]
• Is foie gras torture? Not so much, says Sarah DiGregorio of the Voice. [VV]
• Be on the lookout for new Heinz ketchup labels! [NYT]
• What's on the menu for dessert tonight? Breakfast, naturally. [NYT]

Legal Troubles Force Pinkberry To Downgrade Their Product From 'Yogurt' To 'Chilly Bliss'

seth · 06/15/07 02:30PM

Today brings an update to PinkberryGate, the scandal that rocked the tangy-frozen-dessert industry to its very core. Charges were levied last month against the rapidly proliferating treat concern that it was falsely marketing its product—made from a powder-based formula comprised of finely ground panda bones and unicorn horns—as yogurt. An update to their website assured customers steps were being taken to investigate what, exactly, the company was serving at grossly inflated prices to its legions of fanatical customers.