Entenmann's Compares Eating Donuts to Murdering Child

After Casey Anthony was found not guilty of murdering her daughter, #notguilty trended on Twitter. Convenience store pastry provider Entenmann's added its two cents: "Who's #notguilty of eating all the treats they want?!"
Retweeted far and wide, the joke was surprisingly effective, in that I had completely forgotten that Entenmann's existed, but now all I want is a powdered mini-donut. (Because, who are we kidding, those don't count as "doughnuts." Save the "ugh" for later.) Nonetheless, Entenmann's tweleted and apologized: "Sorry everyone, we weren't trying to reference the trial in our tweet! We should have checked the trending hashtag first." Right. Now bring me a loaf cake so I can bury it alive in my belly.