
Details, Like Any Proud Gay Mag, Joins Fight Against AIDS

Alex Carnevale · 10/27/08 10:35AM

We've been dedicated to the idea that Details is in fact a gay magazine for some time, and more proof has arrived. Earlier this month we reported that the men's magazine sold its subscriber list to the gay themed Advocate, and now there's further evidence:Our tipster subscribes to magazines under different names to see who's selling their subscribers list where, and he received this solicitation in the mail:

Actual Proof That Details Is Gay

Hamilton Nolan · 10/08/08 03:55PM

Ever since gay men's magazine Details launched, sharp-sighted observers—those with two eyeballs—have pointed out that it is, essentially, a gay magazine. We were writing about it five years ago! It's led to years and years of jokes about the magazine's gay contests and gay covers and gay vending machines. But now, at long last, we have actual proof that Details is, without a doubt, a solid member of the homosexual magazine cabal: One of our tipsters subscribes to different magazines under different names, in order to smoke out those that are selling his name to various marketers. He's a Details subscriber. And lo and behold, which other magazine just sent him a discount voucher? The Advocate—the oldest LGBT magazine in America:

Details' Gayness Increases Tenfold With Gossip Girl Cover

Richard Lawson · 10/06/08 12:18PM

This here website (among many others) has been asking the same question for years. Is Details magazine gay? I mean, yeah, they pretty much are with all their fancy fashion ads and fancy men who are always gracing the cover. This month's bois are the dudes from teen soap Gossip Girl, and look! The cover is eerily similar to the fellas' Out cover appearance from back in March. (Heck, when New York Magazine featured the show, they included the ladies.) Note in these two gayish covers that resident twink Chace Crawford is sandwiched in the middle on both. Heh. Subtle. Click for larger comparison.

Correct out-of-touch New York style rag's Internet gossip!

Melissa Gira Grant · 10/01/08 03:20PM

It's complicated. God, is it ever. The same October Details story that follows around New York's "Internet playboys" and their bicoastal hangers-on runs with this chart of who dated, funded, or hated in this overdocumented side of the Web scene. So sweet to know we're not the only ones keeping a scorecard, but one of its subjects, Caroline McCarthy, claims there's inaccuracies! Let's do Details and the kids recently fanning their fameballs from the coverage a favor and fix it up then. Ready? Let loose in the comments with your errata.

Vito Schnabel's Coming Out

cityfile · 08/18/08 11:21AM

The September issue of Details features a two-page spread on Vito Schnabel, the son of painter-turned-movie director Julian Schnabel. Strangely, the headline, "The 22-Year-Old Art-World Power Broker: How Vito Schnabel became a big-time gallery owner—without his dad's help," is followed by an article detailing all the ways that mega family connections have furthered his career. He landed his first movie role at 12 (he played a "gay boy" in Before Night Falls—"I got a blow job in it," Vito says), sold his first works to Elton John when he was 15, curated his first show as a junior in high school, attracted family friends like Jim Jarmusch, Zac Posen, and Paz de la Huerta to his first gallery opening, now lives in a loft on the third floor of Palazzo Chupi (which his dad built), and spends his time hanging out with Theo (son of Jann Wenner), Jimmy Jagger (son of Mick), and Cody Franchetti (of Born Rich infamy).

Is This Porn, Or Just The Hills?

Richard Lawson · 05/01/08 12:00PM

Is this woman having an orgasm, or simply on The Hills? That is the question of the day on the Details (a gentleman-on-gentleman's monthly) and GQ (same, basically) website. They've taken a smattering of extreme facial expression close ups from the sun-soaked MTV reality "smash" (sometimes that's what the Brits call a car wreck), and interspersed some regular old porno o-faces. Can you tell the difference between Hills-face and o-face? Take the test here. It's not really that hard, though, because (for me at least) those braying idiots have seared their visages into my memory forever. One day, when I am old and gray and hopefully in the glorious denouement of a serious horse tranquilizer addiction, I imagine that I'll see a bright flash of Whitney Port's bovine face and will immediately feel the mild warmth of an indifferent God and shuffle off this broken, mortal coil. I don't want to experience this alone, so please take the test over and over again until they are a part of you, too.

'Details' Tosses Freelancer Under Ben Affleck's Hybrid SUV

Choire · 10/30/07 09:10AM

Today's Page Six provides a vehicle for Details editor Dan Peres to either school or destroy his former staffer and current freelancer Bart Blasengame. In a December editor's letter editor's note, Peres claims that Blasengame (who goes unnamed) printed a quote by Ben Affleck that Affleck "never made." Also, the article (which lacked the writer's byline) "implied" that Affleck might leave L.A.—but Peres writes that was a "statement" that Affleck never issued. A Details publicist then says that the Details editor and Ben Affleck are "good friends," and says that "Dan realized there were things taken out of context." What now? Were things taken out of context—or were they invented, as Peres says? Because there's a really serious line there to be considered before destroying someone's career in journalism to appease a snippy star. These are the kind of things that keep lawyers very busy! Blasengame did not return an email this morning. Details recently killed his story on Sarah Silverman, which then appeared in Nerve.

Pareene · 10/30/07 09:00AM

Even though there aren't any gay neighborhoods anymore, all the gays in Latin America are still moving to New York to be Out and Proud. But they don't really need those lame old homosexualist ghettos because they're all super-rich. They can never go home again, despite their massive wealth, so they're forced to live like kings in New York and read Details. [Details]

'Details': Is It All Right To Make Her Take It Up The Butt?

abalk · 07/09/07 02:40PM

Good question, Details! We asked our resident sexual etiquette expert. "Absolutely not," says My Cock. "Beg, wheedle, cajole, whatever you need to do. But a true gentleman never demands. Of course, that's not to say that you can't buy a certain pill and make her slightly more receptive. Nah, I'm kidding - it's flat-out wrong. As wrong as the image Details used for this story. Seriously, shouldn't that be a man butt? Anyway, if you are lucky enough to be granted the favor of anal congress, it's only polite to shove a dozen roses in that train tunnel once you're done."

abalk · 06/20/07 09:58AM

Supposedly formerly cool Details editor Dan Peres doesn't want to be the new Dave Zinczenko, but, okay, he'll "get out there and shill" the new Details men's style book. [WWD]

Is 'Details' Nearly Done?

Doree Shafrir · 06/15/07 09:39AM

Might Details go the way of ElleGirl, Teen People, Life and all those other magazines that close their print versions to go web? A source in the advertising industry has begun thinking that Details' days are numbered, spurred by the fact that many of latest issue's ads came through from bundled corporate ad sales, instead of from the Details team, as a cross-magazine buy. But would it be so crazy if the content (but presumably not all of its staff!) were folded into, "the online home of Details and GQ"? Let's look at the numbers!

Conrad Black Even Swears Like Nixon

abalk2 · 05/21/07 09:20AM
  • In an interview with the Guardian, Conrad Black calls his fraud trial "bullshit" and announces that he's at war with the U.S. government. The paper also has an excerpt from Black's forthcoming biography of Richard Nixon, which praises the former president's "surpassing dignity." Read into that what you will. [Guardian]

Patrick Dempsey Shills For Conde Nast

Choire · 05/14/07 05:16PM

Conde Nast is rolling out its celeb-studded print ads, in a campaign called "Point of Passion." It's this nifty thing where people who might be in the magazines are shilling for the magazines! So you have Mary-Louise Parker posing for the New Yorker, and Patrick Dempsey working it for Details, and Richard Branson hawking Wired, and Diane von Furstenberg clutching Vanity Fair, and, naturally, Stanley Tucci caressing Gourmet. See, if famous people like magazines, well, then clearly you will enjoy them and buy them too! We thought we'd make some revisions—you know, to aim for that youthful demo that Conde is opting out on.

The $40 Million Question: Define "Nappy"

abalk2 · 05/03/07 08:56AM
  • Don Imus' contract with CBS said: "Services to be rendered are of a unique, extraordinary, irreverent, intellectual, topical, controversial, and personal character." Legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin thinks that makes Imus's $40 million lawsuit against CBS a bit more plausible. [CNN]

'Details' Mandingo Article Not Afraid To Be Servicey

Emily · 04/06/07 01:21PM

Late to the party with this one, but what a party it is: a Mandingo party, to be precise! This phenomenon, detailed in March's Details, entails a bunch of rich white men getting together a bunch of well-hung black men and then paying these persons to do their saggy wives. Wait, maybe not paying them: "Each guest at Hammer's parties pays an annual membership—couples pay $30 and Mandingos $75. Everyone pays an additional fee of $30 for each party." Wait, so these men are paying to be whores?