Did You Hear About the Man Who Was Having Sex, But Not With His Wife, When He Died?
Caity Weaver · 06/13/12 09:16PMFeds Say Ashton Kutcher Could Be in Trouble
Ryan Tate · 08/18/11 06:15PMAshton Kutcher Is a Massive Whore
Ryan Tate · 08/17/11 05:26PM
Not only did Ashton Kutcher pose for the cover of Details' September issue, he also edited a special "online only" version, out today. Turns out Hollywood's prettiest boytoy is one compromised whore of a magazine editor, directing most of his recommendations and profiles to tech companies he's invested in, with nary a word of disclosure. It's shameless even by Condé Nast standards.
Arnold Schwarzenegger's Son to Sexily Conquer the World
Richard Lawson · 04/19/11 10:10AMDetails Hosts Summit for Sexy Spy's Douchebag Ex-Boyfriends
Maureen O'Connor · 09/13/10 12:58PMZac Efron's Leather Daddy Date with Tom Cruise and Other Gay-Seeming Things
Maureen O'Connor · 08/09/10 12:08PM50 Cent Is Gay (Because Rufus Wainwright Says So)
Brian Moylan · 04/13/10 02:35PMYou Are Not Invited to the New Yorker Party
Hamilton Nolan · 03/03/10 01:51PMCan Robert Pattinson Actually Have a Vagina Allergy?
Foster Kamer · 02/14/10 02:30PMThe Flawed Business Plan of America's First Legal Male Prostitute
Brian Moylan · 01/13/10 04:07PMWho Are These Rich Jerks?
Hamilton Nolan · 10/27/09 02:28PMWhat Do Adam Lambert and Details Have in Common?
Brian Moylan · 10/20/09 10:25AMWhich Magazine Would NYC Be?
Hamilton Nolan · 10/06/09 12:47PMWill the Weakest Survive at Conde Nast?
Hamilton Nolan · 09/18/09 09:15AMHipsters Are Ruining Twitter, Say Hipsters on Twitter
Owen Thomas · 03/13/09 02:22PMDetails Editor Exudes Optimism
Hamilton Nolan · 03/13/09 01:20PMYou Demand: Let Wired Live!
Hamilton Nolan · 02/05/09 12:38PMDetails Moving Into Nicer, Unlucky Offices
Hamilton Nolan · 02/03/09 04:31PMKashkari Kopykats!
Hamilton Nolan · 11/25/08 12:10PM
Oh we see how it is. First we make Republican ski bum and national bailout chief Neel Kashkari a total object of desire by showing you how Ferrari-tastic he was in high school. Then People magazine goes and names him one of the sexiest guys in the world. And now, Details has named Neel #2 on their "Power List," if you can imagine "Details" and "Power" together in the same sentence. Kashkari kopykats are going krazy! We saw him first. That means we're first in line for some of that sweet bailout money in 09, baby. [Details; pic by]