
In Ultrasound, No One Can Hear Juno Scream

Seth Abramovitch · 01/16/08 03:08PM

When it comes to the Juno debate—poignantly picaresque comedy from the former-stripper Voice of our Generation vs. wildly overrated entertainment calculated to pull the heartstrings of its This American Life-listening target audience—we're afraid to admit we bend towards the latter. We appear to be outnumbered, however, as despite its Golden Globes shut-out, Juno continues to enjoy its surprise hit™ status, and is on track towards netting its scalding-hot screenwriter Diablo "Not Her Real Name" Cody a Best Original Screenplay trophy at this year's Academy Awards.

Diablo Cody, She's Just Like Us!

Mark Graham · 01/15/08 03:24PM

In the second entry of her new(ish) Binge Thinking column for Entertainment Weekly, Diablo Cody wisely decides not to use the column space to discuss how homeskillets really need to shut their gobs when using burger phones to discuss doodles that can't be undid. Rather, she (perhaps unwisely) decided to fall back on a tried and true journalistic crutch for churning out a piece without actually having to formulate that strong of an opinion on something ... she makes a list! Sort of. Her innovatively (or not) titled thesis, "Heroine Chic", revolves around "killer onscreen heroines who weren't too cool to care about their hair, complexion, or wardrobe." Like Andie from Pretty In Pink and Uncle Jesse from Full House. Yeah, we're kind of lost, too.

seth · 12/14/07 06:38PM

An interesting debate has erupted over at our East Coasted sibling site Gawker over the relative merits of Juno, the hippest, sassiest, teen-pregnanciest movie ever! While we don't get it at all—it was twice as adorable as Little Miss Sunshine, at least—you still may want to take a look. And for counterpoint, we offer director Jason Reitman and Diablo Cody, providing commentary over a scene that helps you understand why it all works so well. [Gawker, Slashfilm]

An Appropriately Dark Awards Season Awaits

mark · 11/13/07 03:11PM

· The Writers' Guild of Great Britain says they're in solidarity with the WGA, and is planning to stage an awards ceremony on Sunday to remind the world that scribes are to be cherished and celebrated, not placed in front of studio gates for SUV target practice. [Variety]
· This year's Oscar contenders display a "bleak, even nihilistic worldview," a largely coincidental development as all were put into production long before Hollywood's collective spirits were darkened by the ongoing labor Armageddon. Should the strike drag on into February, look for replacement host Ryan Seacrest to provide an appropriately somber tone to the proceedings. [THR]
· The Pinkett-Smith family is getting together to make the drama The Human Contract, a film Jada is directing and writing and Will is executive producing. No role is specified for precocious son Jaden, though he may eventually be awarded an associate producer credit for secretly punching up the script during trips to the set with mom and dad. [ Variety]

Porn Surfing As Talent Search: How A Horny Manager Discovered Diablo Cody

mark · 10/04/06 06:41PM

This week's Scriptland column, the LAT's weekly spelunking expedition into the dark, dank caves where the little-seen, bizarrely bioluminescent creatures known as "screenwriters" can be found, follows up last week's feel-good, kicked-gambling-addiction-to-Hollywood-riches fable with another "It Writer" creation story, this time looking at how stripper/blogger/memoirist Diablo Cody was discovered by a manager in the course of his daily porn-surfing routine: