The Gawker Book: Join Our Crusade To Return Words To The Printed Page
skidder · 09/28/06 05:10PM
Our Gawker Media Worldwide Blogging Concern bosses are making a bold push into the world of "books," which our company historian assures us was a content-delivery system once enjoyed by old-timey intellectual-types on their fifteen minute breaks from the butter churn. (We're still skeptical. He once tried to convince us that early blogs were rendered in cuneiform on clay tablets, and that their editors were paid handsomely in livestock.) In any case, this Gawker Book, as we'll refer to it, requires the contributions of you, the endlessly bored reader who loves to type stories about their amusing/enlightening/maddening work experiences into welcoming web forms for no monetary compensation whatsoever. Intrigued yet? Of course you are. The details of how to participate in this project that will undoubtedly revive the long-dormant "book" form are after the jump: