Rachel Maddow Severely Testing the Meaning of 'Smackdown'
John Cook · 03/24/09 11:30AMDick Cheney's Personal Death Squads Not Worth Asking About
Ryan Tate · 03/15/09 08:41PM
Hey, CNN: You've got a long sit-down with Dick Cheney. Would you like to maybe ask him about the newly-revealed assassination squads that reported directly to him, bypassing all military commanders?
The New Yorker's Seymour Hersh just spilled the beans on the roving killer team in Minnesota, leaving everyone terrified, as the investigative reporter tends to do, since he's constantly revealing, accurately, various secret horrors.
Evil Cheney Rears Penguin Head, Still Evil
Joshua David Stein · 03/15/09 02:00PMDick Cheney Killed the TV Sidekick
Pareene · 03/09/09 11:08AMCheney's Secret Plan to Make You Like Bush
Pareene · 02/17/09 11:35AMHappy Birthday
cityfile · 01/30/09 07:36AM
Publicist (and new mom) Lizzie Grubman turns 38 today. Dick Cheney turns 68. Christian Bale is 35. Gene Hackman is 79. Wilmer Valderrama turns 29. Vanessa Redgrave is 72. Phil Collins is turning 58. Theater impresarios Harold Prince and Bernard Gersten are 81 and 86, respectively. NHL star Chris Simon is 37. Singer/songwriter Josh Kelley is 29. Weekend birthdays—including that of Andre Balazs—after the jump.
Cheney's Veil Lifted on Vice President's Residence
Owen Thomas · 01/26/09 09:45AMMaking Fun Of The Inauguration
Ryan Tate · 01/21/09 05:35AMThe inauguration was a dilemma for late-night shows, which had to joke about an event Americans tended to consider moving and joyous. Surprisingly, the Bush-bashing Daily Show had the most biting commentary.
An Administration's Pathetic Goodbyes
Ryan Tate · 01/20/09 05:17AMBill Kristol Contractual Obligation Watch
Pareene · 12/22/08 12:39PMLockheed Martin's $67.5 Million "Electronic Mail" Reading Machine Will Never Ingest Cheney's Secrets
Pareene · 12/21/08 12:42PMAlready Time to Pardon Cheney
Pareene · 11/18/08 06:24PMBad Day for Elderly Republicans
cityfile · 10/15/08 11:03AMBrooke Hogan on Dick Cheney: 'Who's That?'
Kyle Buchanan · 09/18/08 02:40PMWhen we solicited thoughts on VP candidate Sarah Palin from reality star Brooke Hogan, Brooke's naive response of "Who's that?" initially echoed in our hearts as a poignant reminder of the bygone, pre-Palin media era. You can imagine our confusion, then, when Hogan appeared on today's Howard Stern show and as the subject of the now-notorious Defamer video came up, she coolly denied that we'd ever asked her about Sarah Palin in the first place:Still, her tenuous grasp on the memory is understandable, as proven when Stern and Co. continue to quiz her about presidential candidates (asked Obama's first name, she carefully answers, "'Barack' or something?"), forcing an overwhelmed Hogan to cry out, "There's too many friggin' people in office!" Perhaps that would explain the blank she draws when asked the name of the current Vice President? The answer, dear Brooke, is "Dick Cheney," and it's as plain as the nose on your face (which, if you're not careful, Mr. Cheney will shoot off). [Howard Stern]
Vanity Fair Recreates Terrifying Bush Administration Portrait
Richard Lawson · 09/18/08 12:05PM
Here's a photo from Vanity Fair's article about Oliver Stone's upcoming George Bush biopic W. that is, deliberately we assume, reminiscent of their own cover portrait of the actual war mongers. We have the real Colin Powell, Dick Cheney, and Dubya on the left and then Jeffrey Wright (Powell), Richard Dreyfuss (Cheney), and Josh Brolin (Dubs) on the right (along with fake Karl Rove and fake Paul Wolfowitz). The teaser trailer suggests that the impersonations (if that's what you want to call them), especially Brolin's, are spot-on and we think the likenesses are pretty uncanny, too. Anyone you would have cast differently?
Keith Olbermann and Luke Russert: Scared, Spoiled
cityfile · 08/29/08 05:49AM
- The war between News Corp. and NBC rages on. Today Page Six reports that Keith Olbermann is so concerned about being "assassinated," he's refusing to cover the Republican National Convention unless MSNBC springs for a more secure location. They also claim none of Luke Russert's new colleagues at NBC News like him, especially since he got to ride around the convention in golf carts while they had to walk. [P6, P6]
Bitchy NBC Newsers Now Jealous Of Luke Russert
Ryan Tate · 08/29/08 05:42AMWho Is The Mystery Person Who Got To Say "Fuck" In The New York Times?
Moe · 08/18/08 12:22PM
"There's a new Star Wars movie, and no one cares," announced New York Times Opinionator blogger Chris Sullentrop in a Friday afternoon post, about which we would not have cared if it hadn't been closely followed by sixteen ominous words: "(Warning: if you click through the link there will be language that The Times frowns upon.)" (Warning: Spoiler alert: "Fuck.") Okay so: every newspaper has anachronistic decency standards, but the Times is the most stubbornly prudish. One time, for instance, they refused to print the name of the bar The Cock. Another time, Dick Cheney told Patrick Leahy to "Fuck off" on the Senate floor on the same day the Senate passed the "Defense of Decency Act" and everyone printed the word then — except the Times. One special historical figure has been directly quoted uttering those four letters in the Times's database-searchable history and it is:Monica! Duh. Remember the Starr Report? Bet you never thought you'd look back on that era as one in which the mainstream media seemed less disingenuously pious.
Man Best Known For Playing With Mashed Potatoes Takes On Dick Cheney in 'W'
STV · 05/22/08 12:40PM
Oliver Stone's semi-comic masterpiece W may yet make its mid-October release deadline, as reports speculate Richard Dreyfuss is close to signing on as vice president Dick Cheney. The role was the only one Stone had not cast for the film, which started shooting last week in Louisiana. The 60-year-old Brooklynite who once fought off Jaws, mashed-potatoed his way into an alien abduction in Close Encounters of the Third Kind and scored a Best Actor Oscar for The Goodbye Girl, will be entrusted with Cheney's despotic war hawk in the weeks ahead.