
In Tent City

Max Read · 08/23/10 02:53AM

[Tents are set up at a camp organized by the Pakistan Army for Pakistani families displaced by floods in the Sindh province in southern Pakistan. Pic via AP.]

After the Flood

Brian Moylan · 08/10/10 05:47PM

[Rescue workers prepare to search a destroyed building for survivors after a mudslide in Northwest Chinese city Zhouqu. The disaster was the result of massive flooding in the region. Image via AP]

The Biblically Disastrous Weekend the Planet Just Had

Max Read · 08/09/10 12:02AM

What happened this weekend? Major flooding killed hundreds in Asia and displaced thousands in Europe, while Russia battled back against peat fires blanketing Moscow in smog. Here, check out some of the breathtaking pictures.

FDA: Don't Worry About Chemical Dispersants and Gulf Seafood

Jeff Neumann · 08/07/10 01:10PM

Now that BP's oil well is plugged, government scientists can start looking at what 1.8 million gallons of the chemical dispersant Corexit did to the environment, and seafood in the Gulf of Mexico. The FDA says don't sweat it!