
To-Do tonight: Jangl up some filet mignon and free booze

Nick Douglas · 10/18/06 04:14PM
  • Best. Party. Ever: At Jangl's bash tonight at San Francisco club Mighty, not only is there a menu including filet mignon and salmon mousse (longer menu after the jump), a hosted bar, and a live jazz performance by members of the company, but thanks to Jangl's service — an ID you can hand to strangers instead of your phone number — you can flirt without consequence!

Morning notes: Now if only he'd blog about his hair

Nick Douglas · 09/18/06 09:10AM
  • MTV, in an effort to prove that the level of discourse in a virtual world can indeed get stupider than World of Warcrafters asking "how i mine for fish," will launch "Virtual Laguna Beach" for boob-tubers who can't be sexy and carefree beach-goers in the real world. [NY Times]

Snacky or Flacky prelims, round 4: Susan Best vs. Kay Luo

ndouglas · 05/03/06 06:10PM

Susan MacTavish Best pimped her client (and partner in crime), Craigslist CEO Jim Buckmaster, in the original Valleywag Hotties tourney. She must have known she couldn't escape a similar fate this time around, so here she is, in a face-off against Kay Luo. Kay is the Simply Hired marketing director who thought up a promo with Dogster: the Simply Hired dog-friendly workplace search. Who's it gonna be, the lady behind the friendly purple forum or the puppy-loving PR princess?

Get rich: goof off!

ndouglas · 04/05/06 12:45PM

Wired News runs a trend story (journalism rule #42: three weak stories make a trend story) on antisocial networking. The tipping point: Full-blown parody site Snubster. It's the Hot New Joke (and by "new" I mean "dated as 'I'm Rick James, bitch'") that's turning into a healthy little community. It's not the first joke-cum-business.

Fox flipmeat: Handicapping the horses

ndouglas · 03/03/06 06:19PM

Since Fox Interactive prez Ross Levinsohn said "We bought someone in this room" — at a Web 2.0 clusterfest — the bloggers have gone mad trying to guess which piece of flipmeat Fox chowed down on. Or, as VC blogger Paul Kedrosky puts it, Fox bought itself "a kazoo chorus of unwitting hype-meisters noisily playing the 'guess the company' game."