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Valleywag party correspondent Megan McCarthy double-dipped at last night's parties for phone-privacy service Jangl and canine social network Dogster.

Jangl held its launch party last night at Club Mighty in San Fran's Potrero Hill. The room was full of dark suits and ties and it smelled like VC money. The food? Incredible. Filet Mignon with potato puffs, asparagus spears, cheese and fruit and even pâté. Oh, how good the bubble tastes!

Valleywag has talked about Jangl before, a fact some of the suits unhappily pointed out upon my introduction. Tim Johnson, head flack at Jangl, talked more about the company and what it does and the services it offers.

With Jangl, you set up a username which you give out in lieu of your real phone number. Once your new contact has your Jangl ID, he or she would then log into the site, enter your ID and Jangl creates a computer-generated phone number for the two of you to use. It's not meant to be one of those fake break-up numbers that you give out to people who should go away. Jangl is a way to keep personal information private to the parties involved. Perfect, Jangl implies, for urban dating and eBay (and drug dealers, terrorists, journalists covering Hewlett-Packard and cheating spouses.)

The crowd was filled with big names, from journalist Om Malik, to Friendster president Kent Lindstrom. Michael Cerda and Ben Dean, Jangl's co-founders, took the stage to crow about the completion of a deal with a major online web community whose name will be officially announced on Monday. (We found out it's )

Dogster's 300,000th-user celebration was held a few blocks away geographically, but worlds apart in terms of tone and substance, starting with the outside doors being locked. Us latecomers had to shout at the window to be let in. Everything about this bash screamed "Web 2.0" -the free t-shirts, the thick hipster glasses worn by founder Ted Rheingold, the self-serve cooler of beer in the corner. The crowd was a typical mix of startup founders, bloggers, vloggers, and photographers, with a few dog owners mixed in.

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Yes, people brought their pets. The king of the party was Beck, a sweet 4-year-old Newfoundland as big as a freaking buffalo. He spent the night wandering around the room like a 150lb sentient rug, petted instinctively by whoever was within arms reach. There were small dogs, too, like the Chihuahua who was barely larger than Beck's paw, and rambunctious Boston terrier (and friend of Valleywag) Milo. No cats, however. When asked about the difference in site users, both Ted (no dogs or cats) and Dogster biz-devver Steven Reading (cat owner) outed dog owners as significantly crazier than their cat-friendly cousins.

Valleywag Party Score: Based on the fabulous menu, Jangl comes in at "No, seriously, I'll call you." For atmosphere, Dogster wins itself a steak-shaped chew toy.

Photo of Beck by Chris Heuer [Flickr]
Photo of Dogster founder Ted Rheingold (left) and friend by Ted Rheingold [Flickr]