
The Republican Establishment Is Beginning to Plot the Anti-Trump Coup

Jordan Sargent · 03/02/16 01:11PM

Republicans are no longer in denial over Donald Trump’s hostile takeover of their party; how could they be? They are certainly angry—how could they not be?—but after Trump rolled through Super Tuesday practically unabated, the GOP establishment has entered the third stage of grief: bargaining.

"I Was Called a Nigger and a Cunt," Says Protester Shoved Out of Trump Rally

Andy Cush · 03/02/16 11:57AM

It was a typical scene at Donald Trump’s Super Tuesday rally in Louisville, Kentucky: A protester, surrounded by Trump supporters and jostled by them until she left the premises. According to the protester in question, it was perhaps even uglier than usual. “I was called a nigger and a cunt, and got kicked out,” Shiya Nwanguma said after the incident.

Media-Hating Trump Campaign Approves Credentials for Slavery-Loving White Nationalist

Andy Cush · 03/02/16 10:34AM

“I attended a Donald Trump rally in Memphis on Saturday night as a fully credentialed member of the media,” wrote radio host James Edwards in a blog post yesterday. On the sidebar of the post, you’ll find a link to Edwards’ mission statement, which reads in part, “We wish to revive the White birthrate above replacement level fertility and beyond to grow the percentage of Whites in the world relative to other races.”

Chris Christie, Blink Twice If You Need Help

Ashley Feinberg · 03/01/16 10:42PM

Tonight, as Chris Christie introduced Donald Trump and stood by him during his resounding victory speech, we got to witness the exact moment that the beautiful light in Chris Christie’s soul forever dimmed. Chris—it’s not too late, and no man deserves this fate. Please, blink twice for help.

Your Guide to America's Super Tuesday National Meltdown

Ashley Feinberg · 03/01/16 10:00PM

Welcome, patriots, to what history will almost certainly see as the night America sealed its gruesome fate. That’s right—it’s Donald Trump Victory Night. And judging by the various primaries and caucuses thus far, it’s sure to be a night we’ll never forget. No matter how hard we try.

The Time Has Come for Donald Trump to Destroy the Haters and the Losers

Tom Scocca · 03/01/16 05:18PM

After tonight, unless the Super Tuesday polling is very, very wrong, Donald Trump will have largely finished crushing the rest of the Republican presidential field, and with it the plans of the various organizations and people who are described as making up the Republican party establishment. The Republican establishment will then begin making new plans, plans which involve supporting Donald Trump and trying to help him win the presidency in November.