Stephen Colbert Bashes 'Best Friend' Donald Trump For Abandoning His Debate
Matt Toder · 12/14/11 12:58AMTrump fired himself as moderator from his own debate and this incurred that wrath of Stephen Colbert. Because they are "best friends," this allows Colbert to call Trump a "boob" and "the product of a sex between a tangelo and old dish rag." That's the thing about best friends — they know you better than anyone.
Donald Trump's Totally Believable Excuse for Quitting His Own Debate
Jim Newell · 12/13/11 03:10PM
After every Republican presidential candidate except Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum dropped out of his debate, chronic mango-lacquered television ailment Donald Trump has decided to drop the whole thing. But "near-total lack of interest from the invitees," you won't be surprised to learn, is not the reason he gives. He is suddenly concerned about conflicts of interest, such as him running for president later on. Very reasonable. Hmm.
Donald Trump Admits That He May Have to Cancel His Debate
Jim Newell · 12/09/11 02:50PMTime for your daily dose of Giving Donald Trump Any Kind of Publicity! Today: The shrieking mudbuttface's precious little debate is in tatters. Michele Bachmann has turned him down, setting the final roster of participants at Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum, Rick Santorum, and Newt Gingrich, and Rick Santorum. Or some combination of two.
Rick Perry Throws Donald Trump Under the Bus, Too
Jim Newell · 12/08/11 04:50PMRich Republicans Are Still Trying to Field a Half-Decent Presidential Candidate
Jim Newell · 12/07/11 01:15PM
Think about it, a little more: Mitt Romney or Newt Gingrich. Mitt Romney or Newt Gingrich. Mitt Romney or Newt Gingrich. It wasn't the best year for recruiters of Republican presidential candidates. And now that the deadline has passed in most early states to get on the primary ballot, there's no chance for anyone else to jump in. Unless the incompetent rich Republican donors "pull some strings," or whatever it is that the rich do in emergencies.
Stephen Colbert Announces His Own Republican Presidential Debate
Matt Cherette · 12/07/11 04:48AMEven though Jon Stewart thinks the Donald Trump-moderated Republican debate will be the best one ever, many others are less excited about it. On tonight's Report, Stephen Colbert added himself to the list of naysayers. Colbert then announced his own debate—"Stephen Colbert's South Carolina Serious, Classy Republican Debate"—which he plans to moderate sometime in January. Of course, Colbert's announcement could just be a joke. Then again, he's proven before that he'll do pretty much anything in the name of comedy.
Jon Stewart Explains Why the Trump Debate Will Be the Best Ever
Matt Cherette · 12/06/11 11:43PMOn Friday, the conservative website Newsmax announced it would hold a Republican presidential debate on December 27, moderated by none other than Donald Trump. Only Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich have so far accepted the invitation, with Jon Huntsman and Mitt Romney refusing it—even Karl Rove doesn't like the idea! But you know who is excited about the prospect of a Trump Debate? Jon Stewart, as he explained on tonight's Daily Show.
What If Donald Trump Held a Debate But the Candidates Didn't Show up?
Jim Newell · 12/06/11 05:17PM
Keep in mind is that Donald Trump has already won. He got the opportunity to moderate a presidential debate right before primary season, and two candidates have already accepted. To get even one candidate to accept an invitation to something so blindingly stupid and farcical would've been a once-in-a-generation political feat. Nevertheless, it's possible that the final head count may stop at two debaters, leaving the debate well short of maximum comedic capacity.
Gingrich, Trump Team Up to Put Poor Children to Work
Jim Newell · 12/05/11 02:17PMWe still can't quite wrap our heads around this after a full hour of staring at the wall, and crying, so let's see if the simple act of typing it out helps: Donald Trump, after meeting with child-labor zealot Newt Gingrich this morning, has announced a plan to hire at least 10 poor children as "apprenti." This development is about as surreal as the phrases "2012 Republican presidential frontrunner Newt Gingrich" and "2012 Republican debate moderator Donald Trump." Are we completely untethered, now? Have things come undone?
Donald Trump Will Moderate a Republican Debate
Jim Newell · 12/02/11 01:57PMCivil Rights Icon Donald Trump Is Furious over Jon Stewart's 'Racist Rant'
Jim Newell · 11/01/11 01:55PMRick Perry Is Done Making Dumb Birther Jokes to Amuse Donald Trump, For Now
Jim Newell · 10/26/11 01:32PMRick Perry Isn't Sure If Obama's Birth Certificate Is Real
Lauri Apple · 10/23/11 01:10PM
Today's edition of Parade magazine features an interview with Republican presidential candidate/sultan of Texas Rick Perry, who says he went out to dinner with bloviating birther Donald Trump and now isn't totally sure if President Barack Obama was born in Hawaii or Kenya or on Mercury or what. Donald Trump is that persuasive.
Donald Trump Sells His Tacky California Palace for Cheap
Leah Beckmann · 10/21/11 09:45AMThe Michele Bachmann-Donald Trump 'Tele-Townhall' Sounds Like a Trip
Max Read · 10/17/11 11:12PMDonald Trump Joins Michele Bachmann for Telephone Shoutfest
Jim Newell · 10/17/11 01:00PMThe Donald's Suits Debut and Are Already 70% Off
Brian Moylan · 09/30/11 03:44PMTrump Casino Now Offers Plastic Surgery Payouts
Seth Abramovitch · 09/30/11 02:11AM
The desperate deluxe Trump Taj Mahal Casino Resort in gross glamorous Atlantic City features the best of everything, naturally. But now guests at Donald Trump's vomit-tinted Xanadu can look as great as the Taj makes them feel, as the hotel is awarding a $25,000 plastic surgery gift certificate to one lucky card player, good for "mix and match surgeries, including breast enhancements, tummy tucks, liposuction and face lifts." But why go so run-of-the-mill, when you could instead use that money to have the hair from a giraffe's nutsack grafted directly onto your scalp, which you might then style in a fetching, comb-forwarded fashion that's sure to excite your mail-ordered, Slovenian succubus bride? You do deserve the best, after all. [AP, photo via Getty]
Rick Perry Partied with Reality Stars at Fashion Week
Maureen O'Connor · 09/15/11 09:27PM
Far-right presidential candidate Rick Perry dined with self-appointed "godfather of politics" Donald Trump last night. What did they do afterwards? Partied with pageant queens, Kardashians, and Kathie Lee Gifford at the Sheri Hill fashion show in the Trump Tower. Update: Page Six reports that Perry "made a beeline backstage" to hang out with the models, including Kathie Lee's daughter Cassidy.