
It Could Be Worse

Hamilton Nolan · 07/28/09 11:39AM

The Way We Live Now: Suffering in relativity. Allen Stanford has no air conditioning. Haitian boat people are drowning. Baghdad security guards are getting killed. And back in Queens, we're barely scraping by, workin' in the Yak shop.

Pope Wants World's Money, For Shoes

Hamilton Nolan · 07/07/09 01:55PM

The Way We Live Now: Under the thumb of the papacy. The Pope is calling for some super-Illuminati to rule the world economy. No need, dude; we had one already, called Ikea. And it's laying people off.

Survivalism Is the New Urbanism

Hamilton Nolan · 06/16/09 12:42PM

The Way We Live Now: Not the way you think. It's not a pay cut; it's the new work-sharing. It's not stealing; it's the new honesty. It's not homelessness; it's the new camping.

Fewer Newspapers= Death of Innocents

Hamilton Nolan · 05/21/09 09:35AM

What's the worst part of the decline of newspapers? Oh maybe it's all the innocent people who will DIE. Every time you don't buy a paper you practically slip the noose around a condemned man's neck!

Hippie Biological Warfare

Hamilton Nolan · 05/12/09 10:51AM

If it makes you feel any better, the new trend is hippies breeding new strains of deadly viruses in their closets:

The Week A Scary Thing Happened

Pareene · 05/01/09 05:47PM

Happy May Day! Have you marched in solidarity with any workers today? No? Well, it was raining. We forgive you.

AIG's $173 Billion Bailout Went in Part to Foreign Banks

Owen Thomas · 03/07/09 01:00PM

Where are insurance giant AIG's bailout billions really going? The White House doesn't want to tell us. But the Wall Street Journal, bless its Rupert Murdoch-owned heart, found out anyway: Foreign banks, lots of them!

Newspapers Heading Straight Into Toilet In '09, Says Everyone

Hamilton Nolan · 12/09/08 09:25AM

We talk about the ongoing death of the newspaper medium a lot around here, because we are evil bloggers who hate the paper industry and, furthermore, are personally responsible for every beat reporter laid off in the past five years, because their CEOs decided to cut their jobs after reading about how bad their industry is here, on the blogs. Well, at least we have numbers on our side—the side of darkness and unemployment. How bad is the outlook for newspapers in 2009? How about epically, historically, never-seen-before bad? Is that bad enough? Because that's how bad it is:


Hamilton Nolan · 07/22/08 09:50AM

The multi-tentacled jellyfish menace is loose in New York waters and nothing you can do will stop it! Quickly, swim, swim for shore, damn you! The floating blobs of fury are breeding as we speak. A swimmer died during the New York triathlon last weekend, and while doctors say there's no evidence a jellyfish sting was involved, the media is doing its part to keep you safe; no fewer than four newspapers today run stories about jellyfish, and how you definitely should not PANIC about their invertebrate invasion. They're replacing sharks as the media darlings of the sea!

"Fuck him. Fuck you. Fuck it all," Says Advice Columnist

Hamilton Nolan · 05/06/08 12:30PM

Cary Tennis: Your Source For Stone Cold Crazy Advice. The Salon advicemonger and generally confused and confusing man today receives a sincere question from a girl about her hard-partying friend, who gets drunk and cheats on her boyfriend, most recently by having "consensual, unprotected sex with one of the Marines" that she met on a night out. What should she do to help her friend? Cary Tennis makes sure she regrets that she ever asked that question. Because Cary Tennis can read her friend's mind: