
Huffing, Puffing, and Blowing Bubbles

Hamilton Nolan · 08/23/10 03:21PM

The Way We Live Now: huffing and puffing and blowing houses down. We're talking economically, okay? Home equity has evaporated. Deflation is inevitable. Credit card rates are increasingly usurious. Your safe investments are bubbles. And your painting's been stolen. Blows.

Swine Flu Pandemic: Over

Hamilton Nolan · 08/11/10 08:19AM

The deadly Mexican Pig Influenza Pandemic— remember that?—yes, that. Well, it's over. FYI. It's "run its course," according to the World Health Organization. Did you survive? Cool. Ditto. I think we called this one accurately way back when. [LAT]

Put On Your Success Specs and the World Is Peachy Keen

Hamilton Nolan · 08/06/10 02:31PM

The Way We Live Now: shedding—shedding jobs, like a thick fur coat sloughing off in the summer's heat. You don't want our economy to sweat, do you? Not to worry: a little perspective will turn that frown upside down!

No One Knows How Deadly Froot Loops Are

Hamilton Nolan · 08/02/10 11:53AM

If you're like me, you may have just *assumed* that if a chemical is being manufactured in large quantities and placed in your breakfast cereal, there would be *some* evidence that it will not kill you. Not true at all!

The Taliban's Killer Monkey Army

Hamilton Nolan · 07/13/10 08:38AM

Monkey soldiers of killer doom? Prehensile terror tails and teeth! Trained macaques wielding automatic weapons and Islamofasctist sympathies! The word is finally out: the Taliban is using the CIA's murder monkey program against us. The troops! The troops!

Panic Now, Before Everyone's Doing It

Hamilton Nolan · 05/20/10 01:43PM

The Way We Live Now: Having those same old troubles again. Remember that time, not too long ago, when we had the incident with, you know, the world economy plunging into hellfire and chaos? That thing? Yea. Comeback time!

Botox to End Western Civilization

Hamilton Nolan · 01/25/10 09:36AM

Botox: "the only profit-making venture for terrorists that can also potentially yield a weapon of mass destruction." Any Islamofascist biology major can pose as a Botox salesman while manufacturing enough botulinum toxin to kill thousands. Save us, Nicole Kidman! [WP]