
KFC Is Bringing Back the Double Down

Jay Hathaway · 04/16/14 10:40AM

In recognition of America's insatiable craving for chicken, chicken-like food products, and Frankenfoods, KFC is resurrecting its stomach-turning bunless chicken sandwich, the Double Down. The monster was first introduced in 2010, but its availability in the U.S. has been limited over the past few years.

More News From Double Down: Obama "Luckier Than a Dog with Two Dicks"

Gabrielle Bluestone · 11/02/13 03:14PM

Excerpts from Mark Halperin and John Heilemann's Double Down are popping up all over the internet, and the newest revelations include Michelle calling Romney a liar, Obama's advisors acting out his worst debates, and Romney not being a fan of the overweight.

Denny's New Sandwiches Trump the KFC Double Down

Leah Beckmann · 09/02/11 02:32PM

Remember the KFC Double Down? Sure you do. It was that terrible and probably delicious monstrosity that replaced bread with fried chicken and your arteries with chaos. Well, welcome to 2011, where the Double Down is a thing of the past. Denny's has launched their new, "Let's Get Cheesy" menu, and nary a calorie was spared. Eight of the nine items on the menu have more calories than the Double Down and all can be ordered with "extra ooze." Two oozes on the side, please.

What Else Doesn't Andy Rooney Know?

Maureen O'Connor · 05/10/10 05:26PM

Self-described "average American" Andy Rooney was recently startled to discover the existence of such rare pop culture creatures as "Lady Gaga" and "Usher." What other mainstream, vastly popular phenomena has professional old person Andy Rooney never heard of?

How Should KFC Follow up Their All-Meat, No-Bun 'Sandwich'?

Max Read · 04/04/10 11:00AM

The "Double Down," a new menu option from KFC, is your standard grilled-cheese-and-bacon sandwich, except they've replaced the bread. With two hunks of fried chicken. What else can be replaced by fried chicken? We explore the wondrous possibilities.