
Judith Warner's Dreams of Our President

Pareene · 02/06/09 10:55AM

Were you wondering about the response of entitled comfortable menopausal women to the Obama presidency? No, you weren't, because those women are well-represented in our media, and you already knew they wanted to fuck the president.

The Horse Execution That Changed History

Hamilton Nolan · 08/13/08 01:39PM

John Edwards mistress and new age nut Rielle Hunter had her humble beginnings under a different name: Lisa Druck. Growing up in Ocala, Florida (I've been there: grass, trees, Spanish moss, springs, that's it), her favorite pastime was riding show horses. But a tragedy befell her horse, and Druck eventually ended up as a drugged-out party girl in New York. Could this dark incident involving family, crime, and equine assassination have been the thing that eventually drove Rielle Hunter into the eager arms of John Edwards? If you're a new-age theorist like Hunter, the answer is a resounding "Yes!":

Blame France for the New Screenwriting Diddy

People Paula · 05/27/08 07:25PM

He can rap! He can act! He can produce (music AND plays)! He’s the dapperest of gentlemen ever to be accused of assault, bribery, shootings, sweatshop labor, a fatal stampede and making coats out of dogs! And now Diddy has a new occupation: screenwriter. According to the always reliable entertainment news service WENN, Diddy was “so inspired” by this year’s Cannes Film Festival that he decided to venture into feature writing. But wasn’t the festival like two days ago, you ask? Yes, yes it was. Apparently, Mr. Puffycombs wastes no time making his brand new dreams come true.

Philip Roth: Not As Sexy On The Big Screen

Rebecca · 04/17/08 10:50AM

You know that "Living Literary Legend" Philip Roth? He just turned 75. He wrote that thing about chicken liver. And he's still writing. His latest novel, Indignation, is coming out in September, far enough away that Roth hasn't even had his requisite fawning profile in the Times. But Scott Rudin has already bought up the movie rights in a seven-figure deal. Hey, you think being a recluse is cheap? It ain't. The only problem is that Philip Roth movies are never good. Why not?

Emily Gould · 11/07/07 03:15PM

Patrick Moberg's braided, garlanded dream girl has not only been found, she's been identified: she's a BlackBook editorial intern. Of course. That august publication "can't in good conscience reveal the lady's name," but we hear it's Camille. They can in good conscience post this glamourshot of the little Aussie blushing violet, who's skipping work today to be an extra in the "Sex and The City" movie. Of course!

Emily Gould · 09/12/07 04:20PM

"Saw Victoria Beckham at 5:10 p.m. today. She was exiting a building at 56th/5th where some big name fashion companies have offices. Not a fan at all but she looked 1,000 times better in person. Pig nose didn't look so piggy, she was rail thin and very striking. Her slip was showing though. People in the recessed building entrance discretely gawked but no one said anything which was cool. She had a security guard and a frumpy looking assistant and entered a black SUV." It has always been our dream that VB looks better in person, and today, that dream came true!