
Horse Semen Makes for Tasty Beverage, Great Newspaper Headline

Jeff Neumann · 06/22/11 06:48AM

Under the headline "Women flock to take horse-semen shots," we learn from The Dominion Post that "apple-infused" horse jizz, or Hoihoi tatea, is "like custard" and is a hot item at a New Zealand restaurant called Green Man Pub. The horse semen, for which the restaurant pays $300 (NZ) for 20 vials, is part of a meal of Asian duck and spring rolls that the restaurant is entering into Monteith's Beer & Wild Food Challenge.

Booze Protects Against Dementia

Max Read · 05/22/11 12:26PM

There are already many good reasons to drink alcohol, but we won't begrudge science for coming up with another: Seniors over 75 who have about a drink a day are significantly less likely to develop dementia or Alzheimer's disease.

There Are Not Bugs Crawling Under Your Skin, You're Just Crazy

Hamilton Nolan · 05/17/11 04:42PM

Beyond happiness! Dangerous hospitals! Depressed moms! Tinnitus findings! Morgellon's disease! Skin cancer! Binge drinking! Horse herpes! And coffee men for good prostate love! It's your Tuesday Health Watch, where we watch your health—creepily!

Republican Negotiating Strategy Revealed

Max Read · 04/09/11 12:16PM

A congressional staff member sent us this snapshot from outside Rep. Sam Graves' (R - Mo.) office, taken around 10:15 p.m. as Congress wrapped up the final budget compromise. Note that we are not—absolutely not!—implying that Republican staffers were drunk during the up-to-the-wire negotiations! Just reckless and crazy and dangerously ignorant. Okay, and maybe a little drunk. Here's the full-sized photo; we've got an email with with Rep. Graves' office and will let you know if we hear back. (Hey! At least they're recycling, right?)

Lying College Students Don't Binge Drink Any More

Hamilton Nolan · 02/16/11 04:02PM

Kids these days! Getting smashed is no longer the "cool" thing to do among American collegians—college binge drinking rates (at Purdue, admittedly) have fallen from 48% to 37% in only three years! What are our young people doing rather than downing Colt 45 at racist fraternity sex parties? According to the Wall Street Journal—known as the beating pulse of life on campus—they're doing the following:

Whiskey Now Comes in a Can

Maureen O'Connor · 01/17/11 01:39PM

A Latin American booze distributor now sells "dram in a can," 12 ounces of whiskey in one vessel. That's eight shots, so they're marketing it as "the perfect size to be shared between three people." Scottish whiskey makers are outraged.

The More People Drink the More They Exercise

Richard Lawson · 01/07/11 02:37PM

A new study published in the American Journal of Health Promotion found that people who drink heavily tend to exercise more than people who drink moderately. Our own studies have proven this completely false. Unless using SeamlessWeb counts as exercise.

Fat Babies Make Everyone Hate God

Hamilton Nolan · 01/03/11 04:03PM

Fat babies! European fake cigarettes! Brain-blaming! Japan-tic Chantix antics! Yoga boozing! Cancer tests! Druggy weight loss drugs! And dumb god anger! It's your Monday Health Watch, where we watch your health—while ordering toddlers to assume the push-up position!

Do You Live in One of America's Drunkest Cities?

Richard Lawson · 12/29/10 02:37PM

The fearsome news Voltron that is the Daily News Beastweek has compiled a list of the 40 Drunkest Cities in the US, using the average number of drinks consumed per person in a month. So how did your city fare?

Hiding Liquor in Purse Now Fashionable

Hamilton Nolan · 12/27/10 12:21PM

The new must-have "ultimate accessory," for ladies: fruity booze, disguised as perfume. "Our point is not drink a lot to be glamorous - it's drink responsibly and in moderation and just be glamorous over all." Ohh, okay. [NYT]

Your Office Christmas Party Could Kill You

Jeff Neumann · 12/19/10 11:39AM

"Experts" have weighed in on the dangers of drinking too much during the holidays, and guess what? It's supposedly really bad for you, and could even increase the risk of cancer. But you can avoid this fate!