
Of Course Disney Recreated the DuckTales Intro With Real Ducks

Jay Hathaway · 09/08/14 04:46PM

It is absolutely not surprising that this edit of the intro to Disney's DuckTales, starring real ducks, exists. It's just surprising that it took so long—we've passed the peak of '90s pop culture nostalgia by now, right?—and that so much effort went into redoing it shot-for-shot when a much lazier video could have filled the same internet-hole.

An Ohio Town is Trying to Make a Veteran Get Rid of His Therapy Ducks

Aleksander Chan · 07/20/14 08:30PM

Army veteran Darin Welker, 36, has been raising 14 ducks as a form of therapy after sustaining a back injury in Iraq in 2005. Welker started keeping the ducks in the yard of his West Lafayette, Ohio home since March of this year, and has since received citations from town officials, who are demanding he get rid of the ducks. West Lafayette officials are citing a law adopted in 2010 that expressly forbids the keeping of "live poultry or fowl of any kind" (among many other animals).

Holy Shit, There Are So Many Ducks in This Video

Andy Cush · 06/18/14 11:40AM

I don't know whether to be delighted or mortified at the above video, which shows a truly enormous group of ducks, pouring down a roadway like a flood, threatening to engulf anything or anyone foolish enough to dip their toes into the water.

I Can't Stop Staring At This Insane Duck Penis GIF

Kate Bennert · 04/02/13 05:51PM

Patricia Brennan, tthe scientist who conducted the study on duck penises that ruffled the conservative media's feathers earlier this week, has finally come forward to tell everyone to stop freaking out about her scientific research. Duck dicks are important, she says, and Fox News just doesn't "get" science. She goes on to say some science-y things about ducks and their penises and then shares with us the real reason for her research: DUCK PENISES ARE FUCKING NUTS.

New Aflac Duck Voice as Annoying as Old Aflac Duck Voice

Maureen O'Connor · 04/26/11 03:52PM

Praise be the gods, our long national nightmare of peace and quiet is over. After firing Gilbert Gottfried from his job voicing Aflac's screaming spokes-duck, the insurance company has completed its national search for a less offensive replacement. The winner is a sales manager from Hugo, Minnesota (population: 13,000) named Daniel McKeague. Congratulations, Daniel. We can't wait to scramble for the mute button every time your bone-chilling squawk comes on TV.

Baby Ducklings Struggle to Get Up The Stairs

Kristina Grosspietsch · 02/04/11 01:00PM

These little ducklings have just one step to go before they can join the rest of their adorable little duck family. Can they do it? Watch and find out.

Ducklings Get Unplanned Early Lesson in Flight

Annie Fleming · 12/03/10 12:59PM

Some ducklings were out for a stroll with their mother when they were hit by some very strong winds. Watch as the poor little guys get flipped upside down (even the mother duck tumbles) - thankfully, no one was hurt.

The Dog and the Duckling

Allison Oldfather · 12/02/09 10:30AM

Q: What do a dog and a duckling have in common? A: Each other. Watch these friends for life hanging round the house.

Duck Ringtone Interrupts President

Pareene · 06/29/09 04:25PM

In the middle of a speech today on, uh, Gay Rights maybe, President Obama was interrupted by a duck. It was someone's ringtone, apparently.