Woman Who Helped Ducks On Side of the Road Could Face Life in Prison

A Canadian woman who parked her car in the left lane of a highway to help ducks by the side of the road has been charged with two counts of criminal negligence and dangerous driving causing death after a motorist crashed into her car, resulting in the death of the driver and his 16-year-old daughter.
Emma Czornobaj, 25, was convicted by a jury and could face up to life in prison. When Czornobaj stopped on the side of a provincial highway south of Montreal to aid the wandering ducks, Andre Roy, 50, slammed into Czornobaj's car on his motorcycle.
The woman told the court that she is an animal lover and intended to take the ducks home. She has been released until her pre-sentence hearing on August 8.
The case's prosecutor, Annie-Claude Chasse, told the court, "What we hope is that a clear message is sent to society that we do not stop on the highway for animals. It's not worth it."