
Fraternities and Sororities: Still Hazing!

Jordan Sargent · 01/27/16 05:50PM

If you happened to think America’s soul-searching regarding the traditions of the Greek system had in any way curbed the drinking and hazing habits of the fine youngsters inhabiting our fraternities and sororities, well: It hasn’t.

Hamilton Nolan · 06/19/14 10:44AM

"After careful consideration," Duke University has decided to rename a dorm named for a noted segregationist and white supremacist. Haha [Duke joke]. Seriously though, is white history being criminalized in today's post-racial America?

Duke Student Sues For Diploma After He's Expelled for Sexual Assault

Adam Weinstein · 05/28/14 11:20AM

A senior at Duke University who was banned from graduating after a school panel found him responsible for raping an "emotional" classmate has filed suit to get his degree so he can accept a "prestigious position" offered to him by a firm on Wall Street.

Conservatives Freak After Duke U. Calls "Homo" and "Pussy" Offensive

Adam Weinstein · 04/29/14 12:10PM

There is censorship going on at Duke University! Well, it's not that people are... banning speech, exactly. They're just discouraging it. What speech? Oh. Um, telling people "Man up," "That's so gay," and "Don't be a pussy." I know. What will these tyrannical leftist pussies do next?

J.K. Trotter · 03/25/14 09:17AM

Former Duke lacrosse player Ryan McFadyen, author of the infamous “i plan on killing bitches ... while cumming in my Duke issue spandex” email, tells Vanity Fair that he changed his name to John in order to get a job. (And that he was just joking.)

Mercer Buries Duke, Does the Nae Nae on Its Grave

Jay Hathaway · 03/21/14 03:27PM

The 14-seeded Mercer Bears mercilessly beat 3-seed Duke at basketball today, basically tearing up your bracket into tiny pieces and setting them on fire. All is forgiven, though, because A) They beat Duke and B) This GIF of a white guy dropping that Nae Nae now exists.

Duke Lacrosse Accuser Charged for Stabbing Boyfriend

Maureen O'Connor · 04/04/11 10:16AM

A strange, scary coda to the Duke lacrosse rape scandal: Crystal Mangum, the stripper who falsely accused three college lacrosse players of rape, has been charged for stabbing her boyfriend in the chest with "intent to kill." The boyfriend was treated at the Duke University Hospital, the same hospital that treated Crystal when she cried rape. Yesterday's arrest was Crystal's second since the Duke rape scandal; last year, she was sentenced to 88 days in jail for assaulting her previous boyfriend in front of his children, then setting his clothes on fire. This lady wreaks havoc on all who encounter her. [WRAL via Crimesider, image of Crystal in 2008 via AP]

Duke President Begs Duke Students to Stop Embarrassing Themselves

Adrian Chen · 11/19/10 11:54AM

Duke has an image problem: The school's most notable student is a co-ed who sent out a Powerpoint about every dude she banged. Now, Duke's president wants to clean up the school's image by making college students stop being idiots.

Duke Frats Send Charming Halloween Party Invitations to Coeds

Richard Lawson · 11/03/10 10:09AM

Last week gentlemen (or one gentleman, depending on who you believe) from two Duke fraternity houses sent out, to 300 or so choice ladies, an email wooing them to their houses by calling them sluts and making Helen Keller jokes.

Dana Vachon Is A Victim Of Circumstance, Publicists

Emily Gould · 08/06/07 01:10PM

In this month's issue of Duke University's alumni magazine, much-ballyhooed debut novelist Dana Vachon mulls the disjunction between the book he thought he'd written and the book that most everyone else (except one of us!) thought he wrote: "As much as I was tempted to write 5,000-word riffs on greed, it does me no use if you close the book, right? I know I've said it before, but I honestly believe it: Vox populi, vox dei." One wonders, though, exactly what "populi" Dana's referring to here. The 8,405 people who, according to Bookscan (which only tracks about 70% of retail outlets), have bought the book in the five months since its publication? Well, maybe they are the voice of God. Anyway, the article also contains a shocking revelation. You know that Times Night Out With Dana? Turns out, he was faking being a douchebag at his publisher Riverhead's behest!