If you happened to think America’s soul-searching regarding the traditions of the Greek system had in any way curbed the drinking and hazing habits of the fine youngsters inhabiting our fraternities and sororities, well: It hasn’t.

Today, Duke University announced it has suspended all sorority activity “pending further notice” after a student was sent to the hospital with alcohol poisoning during this semester’s pledge period.

Meanwhile in December, two fraternities at the University of Kansas were placed on probation for the entirety of 2016 after the school determined they were hazing. You can tell the school is very concerned about this problem because when the local Lawrence Journal-World submitted an open records request to find out what exactly the fraternities had done to warrant such a punishment they received a heavily redacted document that explained exactly nothing.

In Alabama, five frat boys accused of making pledges stand in ice water until they contracted frostbite and were sent to a burn unit will face a non-jury trial later this year. In Pennsylvania, a grand jury declined to fault a Penn State fraternity after a pledge’s family said their son committed suicide due to hazing. This was partly because the during the grand jury proceedings, the prosecutor was unable to get any of the frat’s brothers to state who exactly was responsible for the hazing. Though the family certainly will rest easy knowing the grand jury instead deemed the hazing to be “a fraternity-wide problem.”

If you know any details regarding the incidents at Duke or Kansas, shoot me an email, anonymity guaranteed.

Contact the author at jordan@gawker.com / image of Duke via Getty