
Taylor Berman · 06/04/13 09:28PM

According to a recorded phone conversation with his mother, alleged Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev has received at least $1000 in donations for his prison account. This shouldn't exactly come as a surprise, considering his loyal fanbase.

#FreeJahar: When Conspiracy Theorists and One Direction Fans Collide

Max Read · 04/25/13 02:21PM

Up until last week, "One Direction Infection," a Tumblr blog created and maintained by an eighth grader we'll call Claire, looked like any other 14-year-old's Tumblr: a bright pink background, a default font that resembles cute handwriting, an embedded MP3 player playing Daddy Yankee and Jesse McCartney, and scores of photographs and animated GIFs of the members of One Direction, Britain's biggest boy band.

Taylor Berman · 04/24/13 10:48PM

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev reportedly confessed and explained to the FBI how he and his brother carried out last week's Boston bombings, but he did so in the 16 hours of questioning before he was read his Miranda rights. Tsarnaev stopped cooperating once those rights were read to him, according to officials.

Here's the Jihadist Magazine That Taught the Boston Bombers to Kill

Cord Jefferson · 04/23/13 05:03PM

When it debuted in 2010, Inspire, al Qaeda's English-language magazine, drew mockery—from us and others—for its seemingly laughable mission to bring modern media packaging and splashy headlines to the world of primitive holy war. It turns out that, if initial reports about the confession of Boston bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev are correct, it accomplished precisely what its proprietors hoped it would.

Tsarnaev Brothers Acted Alone, on Plan Driven by Tamerlan: Dzhokhar

Max Read · 04/23/13 07:14AM

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, the 19-year-old student who, along with his brother Tamerlan, allegedly detonated two explosives at the finish line of the Boston Marathon last week, has indicated to authorities that the pair acted alone, with no connection to overseas terrorist groups, CNN and AP both report.

Police Believe Marathon Bombing Suspects Were Planning Terror Spree

Max Read · 04/22/13 07:15AM

With the 19-year-old suspect in the Boston Marathon bombings finally awake and apparently answering questions, authorities are eager to see if their suspicion that he and his older brother were planning on hitting targets beyond Boston will be confirmed.