
Romney Believes "Middle-Income Americans" Make $200,000 to $250,000 a Year

Cord Jefferson · 09/14/12 11:32AM

Fresh off a real godforsaken run at foreign policy chops in the wake of deadly riots in Egypt and Libya, Mitt Romney has focused his attention back on making blundering statements about our very own U.S.A. This morning, during a Good Morning America interview, the ultra-wealthy businessman said that he plans on reducing taxes for "middle-income" Americans. But how does he define middle income?

Mitt Romney Fails to Meet His War Word Quota

Mobutu Sese Seko · 09/11/12 02:00PM

It's that special time of year again, where we remember troops and solemnify 9/11, instead of reducing the whole of our overseas conflicts and anti-terror policy to some D-grade Seinfeldism about airport check-ins, taking our shoes off and whaaaat is the deeeaal with mini-shampoo bottles.

Is Paul Ryan Lying About Climbing 40 Mountains, Too? What Is His Deal?

Max Read · 09/05/12 04:50PM

What is wrong with fitness infomercial "after" model Paul Ryan? Not only did the Republican vice presidential candidate claim to have a run a marathon in less than three hours — a lie for which he got busted, and bodied, by Runner's World — he's also claimed to have "made close to 40 climbs of Colorado's 'Fourteeners' (14,000-foot peaks)." Which he almost certainly hasn't. (Or maybe? See update.)

Fact-Checking Nicki Minaj: Is She Really a Republican Voting for Mitt Romney?

Max Read · 09/04/12 11:15AM

"I'm a Republican voting for Mitt Romney/you lazy bitches are fucking up the economy," Nicki Minaj raps on Lil' Wayne's new mixtape Dedication 4. But is she really? While the credulous lamestream media is reporting on Minaj's pronouncement as the truth, we're more skeptical. So we've put the Gawker Fact-Checking Team (me) on the case and fact-checked her Romney endorsement — as well as the rest of her verse on the song:

Obama's Beer Recipe Finally Revealed

Taylor Berman · 09/02/12 06:41PM

In what is surely the biggest reveal of the campaign season so far, the Obama camp finally released the previously top secret recipe to Obama's two home brewed beers. White House chef Sam Kass posted the recipes for the beers – a honey ale and a honey porter – to the White House's blog on Saturday afternoon.