VP BOMBSHELL: Tim Kaine Allegedly Carries Multiple Harmonicas
Hudson Hongo · 07/27/16 11:50PM
While most were discussing whether America was (as President Obama asserted) sick as hell or (as Donald Trump countered) a total shithole, Gawker obtained some truly disturbing information Wednesday night: Senator Tim Kaine, a man who aspires to be one heartbeat away from the presidency, allegedly carries not one, or even two, but four harmonicas on his person.
Donald Trump Tells NBC's Katy Tur to "Be Quiet"
Jordan Sargent · 07/27/16 11:32AMDonald Trump held a patently absurd press conference this morning, in which he offered that foreign governments should hack Hillary Clinton, asked reporters if they’re familiar with the “n-word,” and referred to John Hinckley—the man who tried to kill Ronald Reagan—as “David.”
Donald Trump Will Be Sued By the Manager of Those Girls Who Performed That Weird Song At His Rally
Jordan Sargent · 07/26/16 12:25PMYou may remember the Freedom Girls. Or maybe you don’t. A lot has happened this election season and most of it would be better off permanently forgotten. The Freedom Girls were a trio of young women who performed a lobotomized pro-Donald Trump pop song at a rally of his in Pensacola, Florida back in January. You may think the story of three children forced to sing their allegiance to Donald Trump in front of a crowd of thousands, as well as millions of others on YouTube, has a happy ending. I am here to inform you that it does not.
Everything's Not Good
Hamilton Nolan · 07/26/16 10:06AMDonald Trump Is Not Well
Ashley Feinberg · 07/24/16 07:47PM
RNC Chairman Reince Priebus probably feels pretty good about himself right now. We can’t say for sure, of course, because like any other relatively well-adjusted adult, Reince Priebus understands that it’s unseemly to revel in someone else’s misery. Donald Trump, however, does not have that problem.
Donald Trump's Dangerous America Is a Fiction
Hamilton Nolan · 07/22/16 09:50AMIn His Own Words: Trump On "Violence, Hatred, Or Oppression"
Timothy Burke · 07/21/16 10:01PMTonight Donald Trump told the world that “Anyone who endorses violence, hatred or oppression is not welcome in our country and never will be.” Trump, of course, has never endorsed violence, hatred, or oppression—as you can see in the above video.
Donald Trump and Ted Cruz Both Got Exactly What They Wanted
Alex Pareene · 07/21/16 03:01PMThe Words That Emerge From Donald Trump's Mouth Seem to Bear Little Relation to the Reality in Which We Live
Hamilton Nolan · 07/21/16 10:45AMLiveblogging Ted Cruz's Waking Nightmare
Ashley Feinberg · 07/20/16 08:13PMDonald Trump Offered John Kasich the Presidency
Jordan Sargent · 07/20/16 10:35AMTrump Campaign Lies About Melania Trump's Nonexistent College Degree
Ashley Feinberg · 07/19/16 10:06AM
First Lady hopeful Melania Trump has been under fire ever since she just so happened to repeat (nearly word for word) parts of Michelle Obama’s convention speech from 2008 last night. Now, Melania is left with the task of proving her credibility. And the Trump campaign isn’t making her job any easier.
Reports: Donald Trump Tried to Back Out of VP Pick at Midnight
Jordan Sargent · 07/15/16 02:22PMWho Will Win the Upcoming Civil War?
Hamilton Nolan · 07/15/16 01:15PMPlease God, Let It Be Newt
Ashley Feinberg · 07/14/16 05:05PM
Tomorrow, Donald Trump will supposedly announce our country’s future Vice President. Currently, all signs seem to point to the notoriously homophobic governor of Indiana, Mike Pence. And it is almost certainly going to be Mike Pence. But, Mr. Trump, I beg of you: If you’re going to choose a monster, and not a member of your family, please choose Newt Gingrich.
Donald Trump Taps Indiana Governor Mike Pence as VP Nominee (Maybe)
Brendan O'Connor · 07/14/16 11:50AMNewt Gingrich Has Been Talking Behind Donald Trump's Back
Andy Cush · 07/14/16 09:46AM
Conservative virtual reality enthusiast Newt Gingrich is reportedly high on Donald Trump’s list of running mate picks. This week, he flew to Indiana for an impromptu meeting with the presumptive Republican nominee. But a few months ago, Newt was eyeing the prime cut of beef a l’orange that’s poised to lead his party with the skepticism of a child who isn’t sure he wanted to take a bite.
Which of His Potential Vice Presidential Candidates Is Donald Trump Just Fucking With?
Jordan Sargent · 07/14/16 07:00AM
Yesterday was a major day in the history of the state of Indiana. In Indianapolis, Donald Trump personally met with several reported vice presidential candidates just days away from as scrutinized a Republican National Convention as we’ve ever seen. Why Indiana? Trump loves its hard-working, blue-collar people, and the state provided a therapeutically serene environment for what is one of the most crucial decisions made by any presidential campaign.