Evan Bayh Is Done Making a Lot of Money and Would Like to Return to the Senate Now, Please
Alex Pareene · 07/12/16 02:39PM
Evan Bayh is returning to politics. The former Democratic governor of Indiana and U.S. senator has decided to enter the race for his old Senate seat, which is currently occupied by a retiring Republican. This is exciting news for people who want Democrats to retake the Senate, and bad news for people who want Democrats to retake the Senate not just for the sake of retaking the Senate, but so that those Democrats can actually accomplish things.
Reporters Covering the Political Conventions Will Be Just Fine, Totally Fine
Andy Cush · 07/12/16 11:50AM119 Days and a Wake Up
Brendan O'Connor · 07/11/16 06:20AMThe RNC's Only Scheduled Speaker Is George “I’ve Been Dead for 200 Years” Washington
Ashley Feinberg · 07/08/16 02:45PMDonald Trump Knows Nothing About Alton Sterling or Philando Castile
Jordan Sargent · 07/08/16 09:51AM
This morning, Donald Trump released a statement addressing last night’s shooting of police officers in Dallas, as well as the deaths of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile. Contrary to Trump’s general campaign strategy, the statement attempts to position him as “presidential,” which makes it all the more appropriate that there is one giant screw up.
Donald Trump Admits to Maybe Not Actually Wanting to Be President Even if He Wins
Ashley Feinberg · 07/07/16 12:45PMPaul Ryan Wants to Ban Hillary Clinton From Receiving Classified Information During Her Campaign
Jordan Sargent · 07/07/16 10:00AM
Paul Ryan may be openly disgusted with Donald Trump, but he does seem willing to do his bidding: This morning, the Republican House leader sent a letter to Director of National Intelligence James Clapper asking for Hillary Clinton to be banned from receiving classified information during her presidential campaign.
A Brief List of the Jewish People Donald Trump Loves
Jordan Sargent · 07/06/16 07:01PMTonight in Cincinnati, Donald Trump delivered a speech during a rally in Ohio that was unhinged even by his own standards. One topic of particular fixation was the controversy over the anti-Semitic-y tweet sent out by his campaign this past weekend.
Donald Trump Says Critics Who Saw Star of David in Tweet Are the Real Bigots
Hudson Hongo · 07/06/16 06:42PMCleveland Courts Are Getting Ready for a Whole Lot of Arrests at the RNC This Month
Andy Cush · 07/06/16 09:15AM
Cleveland is likely to see plenty of clashes between protesters and police during the Republican National Convention later this month. The local court seems to think so too, and will be extending its hours to a nearly around-the-clock schedule in order to process the hordes of people who will surely be coming through.
Tom Brady Is Being a Bad Friend to Donald Trump
Jordan Sargent · 07/05/16 10:30AMAshley Feinberg · 07/05/16 09:32AM
Trump Campaign Blames Anti-Semitic Tweet on "Microsoft's Shapes"
Ashley Feinberg · 07/04/16 09:29PMDonald Trump Definitely Found His Phone
Ashley Feinberg · 07/03/16 01:48PMRumor: Doctor Prescribes Donald Trump "Cheap Speed"
Ashley Feinberg · 07/01/16 09:50AM
Back in December, Donald Trump’s personal doctor declared to the world that Trump would be “the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency.” While that particular claim is unfalsifiable (although almost certainly incorrect), according to a source with knowledge of Trump’s current prescriptions, that letter isn’t telling the whole story. Most notably: Donald Trump is allegedly still taking speed-like diet pills.
Guess Which Bush Son Is the Favorite
Ashley Feinberg · 07/01/16 09:05AMLady Asking Donald Trump to Fire TSA Workers Wearing "Heebiejabis" Is the Perfect Trump Voter
Jordan Sargent · 06/30/16 05:20PMDonald Trump is in Manchester, New Hampshire today, working to collect the state’s four electoral votes, which will surely propel him over Hillary Clinton and into the White House. At his rally, he took questions from attendees, including a woman named Cathy, who is New Hampshire’s Legislative Chairman, VFW Auxiliary.