Ted Cruz and Ben Carson Spent Half an Hour Alone in a Closet Last Night
Ashley Feinberg · 02/19/16 05:32PMDuck Dynasty Guy Tells Ted Cruz Ralliers They Will Never Die If They Marry a "Clean" Woman
Ashley Feinberg · 02/19/16 03:46PM“Gentlemen, young men, marry you a woman. Dude—if she’s clean, and you’re clean, and you marry her, and you keep your sex right there, you’re never going to get a debilitating disease and/or death. It’s safe!”
Watch Donald Trump Scramble to Explain Why He Lied About Supporting the Iraq War
Ashley Feinberg · 02/18/16 11:23PMResponding quickly to BuzzFeed’s newly uncovered interview in which Donald Trump advocates for invading Iraq, Anderson Cooper asked the man himself if he remembered answering in the affirmative. In response, Trump comes as close to breaking character as we’ve seen him yet. I cannot recommend it highly enough.
There Are More "Radicals" Here Than You Think
Hamilton Nolan · 02/18/16 10:21AMWelcome to Heidi Cruz's Living Hell
Ashley Feinberg · 02/18/16 09:31AMThe Dueling Town Hall and GOP South-Humping Liveblog
Ashley Feinberg · 02/17/16 07:54PM
Tonight’s going to be weird. In one corner, we have Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, and Ben Carson engaging in an ostensibly civil “town hall” on CNN (the other three get their shot tomorrow night). In the other corner, Donald Trump and Joe Scarborough will be doing... something. Either way, we’ll be liveblogging every last second of it.
Trump Is Losing Now (According to One Poll)
Alex Pareene · 02/17/16 06:06PMLet's Hear the Better Proposals
Hamilton Nolan · 02/17/16 02:55PMJeb Bush Is Not Well
Ashley Feinberg · 02/17/16 10:44AMSouth Carolina Voters Aren't Sure About This America Stuff
Sam Biddle · 02/16/16 11:28AMDonald Trump Lied About Iraq
Brendan O'Connor · 02/14/16 11:01PMAt the Republican debate on Saturday, Donald Trump declared, “I’m the only one on this stage that said: ‘Do not go into Iraq. Do not attack Iraq.’ Nobody else on this stage said that. And I said it loud and strong.” This is—as the man himself might say—a big fat lie.
Ben Carson's Fake Stalin Quote Came From a Right-Wing Facebook Meme
Ashley Feinberg · 02/13/16 11:15PMMeet Jim Gilmore, Who Is No Longer Running for President
Ashley Feinberg · 02/12/16 06:26PM
Jim Gilmore (otherwise known as the only veteran still in the running for president or, more often, “who?”) is no longer running for the GOP candidacy. This information probably does not affect you. And frankly, this information probably only marginally affects Jim Gilmore. Because as his online activity reveals, Jim Gilmore’s campaign was very, very sad.
Donald Trump Won’t NOT Sue Ted Cruz
Ashley Feinberg · 02/12/16 03:44PMHillary Clinton Leaves Open Possibility That Women Who Don’t Vote for Her Are Going to Hell
Ashley Feinberg · 02/11/16 10:06PMRight off the bat at tonight’s Democratic debate (surprise! there’s another debate), Hillary Clinton was pressed about some of her more staunch supporters’ recent claims. Specifically, Clinton was asked whether she, too, believes that women who don’t vote for her may be destined for hell. The only thing Hillary needed to say was “no.” Hillary, however, did not say “no.”