Trump Encourages Ralliers to "Knock the Crap Out of" Protesters, Promises to Pay Legal Fees
Ashley Feinberg · 02/01/16 03:55PMBen Carson's Campaign Is An ATM For His Advisors
Jordan Sargent · 02/01/16 02:36PM
It is not exactly a secret that one convenient feature of Ben Carson’s political campaign is the amount of money it’s willing to pay its advisors and fundraisers. A few weeks ago, Dean Parker, Carson’s top moneyman, walked the plank after a Politico article detailed frustrations within the campaign regarding the cash funneled to companies owned by Parker and his cohorts. Now the campaign’s new FEC filing details the extent to which senior staffers are plundering the doctor’s war chest.
Every Candidate’s Impossible First-Day Agendas, Ranked
Ashley Feinberg · 02/01/16 02:03PM
With the Iowa caucuses officially kicking off primary voting season, it won’t be long before a brand new butt is working a fresh groove into Obama’s old chair. In preparation, our various candidates are already hard at work making wild schedules for their first day on the job. And each one is more impossible than the last.
Jeb Still Maybe Shooting Too High
Ashley Feinberg · 02/01/16 01:50PMWall Street's Political Influence Is Growing
Hamilton Nolan · 02/01/16 12:05PMIdealists Won't Vote for Idealistic Candidate Because He Can't Win Because They Won't Vote For Him
Hamilton Nolan · 02/01/16 10:15AMDonald Trump and Hillary Clinton Will Win Iowa Tonight, Unless They Don't
Alex Pareene · 02/01/16 09:41AM
The Iowa caucuses are tonight. What’s going to happen? On the Republican side, either Donald Trump will win, or Ted Cruz will win. According to a poll conducted by Ann Selzer, unanimously considered the best pollster in Iowa, Trump will win. That’s a good reason to feel confident in a Trump victory.
Heckler At Ted Cruz Rally Shouts “Ted Cruz Looks So Weird,” Pretends To Barf
Ashley Feinberg · 02/01/16 12:58AMFlyboy Donald Trump Is Getting Cocky With His Fancy Airplane
Brendan O'Connor · 01/31/16 09:44PMOn Saturday, Trump held another one of his airplane-hangar rallies, except this time he buzzed the tower, because the spectacle always needs to exceed itself. That music is the theme from Air Force One. Top Gun might have been more appropriate, but then again there’s no accounting for taste.
All the Dumb Questions You Asked Google About the GOP Debate, Answered
Ashley Feinberg · 01/29/16 02:38PMThe Curse of Peggy Noonan Descends Upon Bernie Sanders
Hamilton Nolan · 01/29/16 09:30AMNo One Wants to Talk to Ted Cruz
Ashley Feinberg · 01/28/16 11:39PMThe Mercifully Trump-less GOP Debate Liveblog
Ashley Feinberg · 01/28/16 11:02PMFox and Google Let You Vote For Trump as Winner of Tonight's GOP Debate
Brendan O'Connor · 01/28/16 10:29PMWelcome to the Donald Trump Delirious Tantrum Liveblog
Ashley Feinberg · 01/28/16 10:17PMJoin Us Tonight for the Fox News Debate vs. Donald Trump Exhausted Tantrum Battle Royale
Ashley Feinberg · 01/28/16 04:36PM
Tonight at 9 p.m. EST, every GOP candidate who is not a[n openly] narcissistic, insolent infant will be debating on the Fox News stage for the one thousandth time. Also at 9 p.m., Donald Trump will be offering counter programming in the form of his very own, hastily assembled “Fuck You Fox News” rally. Who will win? Trick question—tonight, we all lose.
Rand Paul Promises College Kids Letters of Recommendation to Show Up at His Rally
Ashley Feinberg · 01/28/16 03:05PM
Are you currently enrolled at Iowa State University? Do you have a pulse? Then Rand Paul wants YOU to attend to attend his post-caucus rally on February 1—very, very badly. So badly, in fact, that Paul is willing to personally vouch for you in writing to any of your future employers. As long as you just please say you like him.
Bernie Sanders, Supposed Populist, Has Been Treated For Gout, the "Disease of Kings"
Alex Pareene · 01/28/16 01:48PM
Vermont senator and presidential candidate Bernie Sanders is in “very good health,” according to a letter from the attending U.S. Senate physician. But there’s one fact in Sanders’ health history that belies his image as a maverick populist unbeholden to monied interests: Sanders has been treated for gout.
Hero Throws Tomato at Donald Trump
Gabrielle Bluestone · 01/27/16 02:25PMLast night’s Donald Trump rally was interrupted by a splattered tomato, a term which is, perhaps for the first time, not being used in reference to Trump’s appearance.