Tip: Rand Paul Follows 420 People on Twitter
Ashley Feinberg · 01/19/16 12:00AMRNC Cuts Ties With NBC, Cries Over Wet Pee-Pee Diap
Brendan O'Connor · 01/18/16 06:55PMHillary Clinton Says She's "Too Busy" to See the Benghazi Movie
Ashley Feinberg · 01/18/16 12:36PMOn CNN yesterday, Hillary Clinton told Jake Tapper that she was “too busy campaigning” to see 13 hours, the new (poorly performing) flick about the attack on Benghazi in 2012. Which—while valid—was probably a poor choice of words, considering it sets conspiracy theorists up perfectly to say things like this:
Welcome to the Donald Trump MLK Day Speech Disaster Liveblog
Ashley Feinberg · 01/18/16 10:32AM
Today at 10:30 a.m., in the year of Lord 2016, Donald John Trump, Sr. will take to the stage at weaponized Christianity training institute Liberty University to give a speech about... something. Presumably Martin Luther King, Jr. will be involved, as will one of Donald Trump’s favorite books, the Bible. And of course, freedom.
British Parliament Formally Debates Banning Donald Trump From the UK
Ashley Feinberg · 01/18/16 09:37AMGawker and Jezebel's Democratic Debate Liveblog: Bernie vs Hillary vs That Other Guy
Sam Biddle · 01/17/16 10:57PM
The Communist Party of the U.S.A. is holding a debate tonight, pitting new nemeses Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders against one another as handsome man Martin O’Malley just sort of stands there and watches. We’re “liveblogging” the whole painful thing with our friends at Jezebel right here so you don’t have to watch.
Bernie Sanders: Gun Control Should Not Be a Political Issue
Brendan O'Connor · 01/17/16 09:45PMAt the Democratic debate on Sunday, Bernie Sanders gave a very bad answer to a question about his gun-control record. After reminding everyone that he has a D-minus voting record grade from the NRA, Sanders said, “This should not be a political issue. What we should be doing is working together.”
Join Us for Donald Trump's MLK Day Speech at Liberty U
Ashley Feinberg · 01/17/16 05:25PMMarco Rubio Bought Himself a Gun for Christmas to Protect His Family from ISIS
Brendan O'Connor · 01/17/16 12:37PMHere's the Interview Where Donald Trump Expresses His "New York Values"
Brendan O'Connor · 01/16/16 02:33PMBrendan O'Connor · 01/16/16 01:35PM
Maybe Chris Christie Really Is From New Jersey After All
Brendan O'Connor · 01/14/16 11:07PMDonald Trump Has No Idea How the Government Works
Ashley Feinberg · 01/14/16 10:19PMWelcome to Gawker’s GOP Debate/End of Days Liveblog
Ashley Feinberg · 01/14/16 09:00PMGaze Upon How Badly Carly Fiorina Craves Attention
Jordan Sargent · 01/14/16 07:25PM
The undercard of tonight’s GOP debate (yes, another one) began at 6 p.m. on Fox News, a time when very few people are at home engaging with their televisions. The debates are so openly pointless that Rand Paul didn’t even bother to show up to this one, choosing instead to do anything other than listen to Rick Santorum’s fossilized god warrior shtick for the hundredth time.
Donald Trump Campaign Now Clearly Endangering the Well-Being of Children
Jordan Sargent · 01/14/16 03:30PMYesterday’s Donald Trump rally in Pensacola, Fla. featured all the hits: Crazy depraved old people in bad hats, mutual masturbation to the thought of a very large wall, and Trump himself publicly berating somebody for a minor perceived mistake. But it also featured what stands as a new classic in the Trump canon: a troupe of young girls clumsily performing a rather horrible pop song written in his honor.
Ben Carson's Top Fundraiser Leaves Campaign After Damaging Politico Article
Jordan Sargent · 01/14/16 02:10PMHillary Clinton Doesn't Want Your Vote
Alex Pareene · 01/14/16 10:37AMGovernor of Former Slave State: We’ve Never Had Racist Laws
Ashley Feinberg · 01/13/16 05:59PMNikki Haley, who not-so-subtly addressed Trump’s call to ban all Muslim immigrants during last night’s State of the Union response, has responded to criticism from Trump by holding fast to her position. And also by apparently forgetting that slavery, Jim Crow laws, and the Trail of Tears (along with the rest of a not at all insignificant portion of American history) ever happened.