In Memory of the Best Times Ted Cruz Got Owned on the Campaign Trail
Jordan Sargent · 05/04/16 01:02PMHow will Ted Cruz’s presidential campaign be remembered? Predicting history is a fool’s errand but it seems like a safe bet that Cruz will go down as the Republican candidate so openly distasteful that he made Donald Trump seem palatable.
Donald Trump Says He'll Choose Someone Qualified to Be President as His VP
Gabrielle Bluestone · 05/04/16 10:00AMDid This Tweet From 2008 Convince Donald Trump to Run for President?
Hudson Hongo · 05/03/16 11:15PMBernie Sanders, Who is Also Running for President, Wins Indiana
Hudson Hongo · 05/03/16 09:15PMFailed Candidate Ted Cruz Elbows Wife in Face
Ashley Feinberg · 05/03/16 09:07PMRNC Chairman Resorts to Subtweeting John Kasich
Gabrielle Bluestone · 05/03/16 08:59PM
With Ted Cruz out and Donald Trump its all but guaranteed nominee, the Republican National Committee is—however begrudgingly—preparing to refocus its sights on presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton. Which means it’s past time for John Kasich to officially bow out, RNC chairman Reince Preibus said in so many words Tuesday night.
Ted Cruz Drops Out After Crushing Defeat in Indiana
Hudson Hongo · 05/03/16 07:50PMDonald Trump Wins Indiana, Sees His Enemies Driven Before Him
Hudson Hongo · 05/03/16 06:40PMBillionaire Punks Fuck Off
Hudson Hongo · 05/02/16 10:18PMTed Cruz Admits He Doesn't Have the Best Skills on the Basketball Place
Hudson Hongo · 05/02/16 08:01PMIs Ted Cruz the Zodiac Killer? Heidi: "I Know Who He Is"
Ashley Feinberg · 05/02/16 02:05PMCarly Fiorina Has Made a Horrible Mistake
Ashley Feinberg · 05/02/16 01:20PM
Carly Fiorina hasn’t been able to claim very many “wins” in her life. HP was a disaster. Her run for the Senate was a disaster. And most recently, her bid for the presidency was a disaster. But now, Carly Fiorina has made her gravest mistake of all: Accepting a position in which she’s forced to touch Ted Cruz constantly.
Ted Cruz Sure Brings Up Spanking a Lot
Hudson Hongo · 05/01/16 10:10PMTeen's Epic Promposal Is "Kasich" as Hell (Pleasant but Kind of Weird)
Hudson Hongo · 05/01/16 08:38PMDonald Trump: We Can't Let China "Rape" Our Country
Hudson Hongo · 05/01/16 07:30PMWatch Ted Cruz’s Daughter Literally Run From Her Father’s Touch
Ashley Feinberg · 04/29/16 09:11AM
At a rally in South Bend, Indiana yesterday, Ted Cruz continued his “I am a human” tour with newfound running mate Carly Fiorina. And as he took to the stage with his companion and progeny, loving, human father Ted Cruz reached down to his daughter, Caroline, to show the cameras just how much he cares. As any rational person would do in this situation, Caroline ran.