Ted Cruz Was the College Debate Prick's College Debate Prick
Adam Weinstein · 04/22/15 11:18AM
Imagine a drama kid—without good looks, singing or dancing ability, who wants to be president, is pretty sure your opinions suck, and thinks you’re an idiot. You just imagined a college parliamentary debater. And who do college parliamentary debaters think are irritating, pitiful jagoffs? In the 1990s, it was Ted Cruz.
Why Was Virginia Using This Horribly Unsafe Voting Machine for Years?
Sam Biddle · 04/15/15 05:00PMGet to Know Marco Rubio, the Biggest Idiot Running for President
Adam Weinstein · 04/14/15 01:50PM
A lot of people in the United States don't know anything about soon-to-be ex-senator Marco Rubio of Florida, which means he theoretically still has a chance to be president, the same way the Philadelphia Phillies can still theoretically win this year's pennant. It will not last, and it will never have been realistic.
Jason Parham · 04/08/15 10:15AM
Residents of Ferguson made history yesterday with a record turnout, electing two black candidates—Ella Jones and Wesley Bell—to City Council. The noteworthy vote ushers in a new era for the local assembly: for the first time since Ferguson’s founding, half of the council seats are held by African Americans.
Ted Cruz' Campaign Logo Is an Upside-Down Burning American Flag
Adam Weinstein · 03/23/15 10:48AMGreek Conservative Spokesman Concedes Defeat to Anti-Austerity Left
Hudson Hongo · 01/25/15 03:45PMWho's Afraid of Elizabeth Warren?
Hamilton Nolan · 12/03/14 01:13PMHere's Your Terribly Disheartening Midterm Election Money Report
Hamilton Nolan · 11/06/14 04:11PMRepublicans Now Control the Senate: Your 2014 Election Night Wrap Up
Gabrielle Bluestone · 11/05/14 01:00AMTom Scocca · 11/04/14 04:24PM
No Matter Who Wins, Money Wins
Hamilton Nolan · 11/04/14 12:18PMHamilton Nolan · 11/03/14 03:04PM
John Oliver on the Elections That Actually Matter This Tuesday
Jay Hathaway · 11/03/14 11:10AMState legislatures: their campaign ads may be completely ludicrous comedy goldmines, and even some of the incumbents are unhinged lunatics, but with Congress basically deadlocked, they're the only place shit gets done. John Oliver spent nearly 20 minutes mocking these buffoons last night, and explaining why you need to vote anyway.
Tennessee State Senator Can't Stop Getting Arrested
Gabrielle Bluestone · 10/19/14 10:53PMAdam Weinstein · 08/07/14 02:59PM
Miss. Tea Partier Says His GOP Primary Loss Was Worse Than Jim Crow
Adam Weinstein · 07/09/14 10:20AMChris McDaniel, who narrowly lost Mississippi's GOP Senate primary to incumbent Thad Cochran last week, told a crowd Saturday that his loss was "clearly the most unethical election in the history of this state" and also "the most illegal," apparently forgetting that Mississippi also existed from 1866 to 1965.