Republicans and weed were the big winners in this year's midterm elections. Here's how the Tuesday night results affect you.

Nationally, Republicans took back the Senate, kept control of the House and won governorships in 14 states and counting—which means we'll be seeing a lot more of smiling Mitch McConnell as he presumably becomes the Senate majority leader.

In D.C., voters decided to legalize marijuana by an overwhelming majority. The only thing that can stop them now is Congress, which can veto voter-proposed measures.

In Florida, however, voters rejected a ballot measure to permit the use of medical marijuana and Republican Governor Rick Scott barely beat out Republican-turned-Democrat Charlie Crist for a second term.

Louisiana's got a good old fashioned run-off. Incumbent Sen. Mary Landrieu, a Democrat, and her Republican opponent, Rep. Bill Cassidy will dance again on Dec. 6, thanks to state rules requiring there be a majority of votes cast for one candidate.

In New York state, Governor Cuomo cruised to an easy reelection. In New York City, seething ball of rage State Rep. Michael Grimm won a third term as the congressman from Staten Island, despite the 20-count tax fraud indictment he's facing. He's intimated he may step down if found guilty.

Voters decided to legalize weed in Oregon, where the liquor control agency will regulate sales and stoners can grow up to four plants of their own at home. Right on.

It's going to be a bit harder to get a gun in Washington, where voters approved an initiative that will require people buying guns online and at gun show sales to undergo an extensive background check.

In Wisconsin, Republican Governor Scott Walker had an easy win over Democrat challenger Mary Burke, who reportedly spent $5 million of her own money on her campaign, which was supported by Barack Obama and Bill Clinton. It's Walker's third successful election in four years, and he's expected to brag about it in his inevitable 2016 presidential bid.

[image via AP]