
The Smartest Hasselbeck

cityfile · 01/12/09 01:25PM

Elisabeth Hasselbeck may be a vocal supporter of the President, but it doesn't appear her 14-month-old son is following in his mom's footsteps. After getting snubbed last month when she was denied an invite to the White House Christmas party, Hasselbeck got a chance to meet the President over the weekend and her son, Taylor, greeted the president by headbutting him. [HuffPo]


cityfile · 01/12/09 01:13PM

Claire Danes bundled up on a walk in SoHo with boyfriend Hugh Dancy ... Kate Hudson leaving her apartment in the West Village ... Taylor Swift leaving her hotel en route to an appearance on SNL ... Sarah Jessica Parker getting in a Prius outside her Village apartment ... Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon standing under an umbrella after leaving Japonais on East 18th Street ... Naomi Watts and Liev Schreiber unloading luggage from an SUV in front of their NoHo apartment ... Elisabeth Hasselbeck posing for photos on the sidewalk ... Madonna leaving the Waverly Inn with photographer Steven Klein, shortly before Kanye West turned up ... and Katie Holmes and Suri boarding a helicopter at the West 30th Street heliport.

2008: The Year Pop Culture Won the Presidency

STV · 12/30/08 04:37PM

Join us in looking back at the trends, names, faces, places and unhinged absurdity that made our Defamer Decides 2008 coverage an unparalleled historical record of American presidential politics at its finest.

Elisabeth Hasselbeck: A Nightmarish Year In Review

Kyle Buchanan · 12/23/08 05:55PM

Peer into The View, and soon The View starts to peer into you. Before long, you may develop a sudden affinity for pirate shirts and a tendency to shout "William Ayers!"

Elisabeth Hasselbeck Ready to Gloat About Obama's Invocation Speaker

Kyle Buchanan · 12/18/08 04:00PM

Yesterday, Barack Obama's inauguration committee announced its choice for invocation speaker: controversial Saddelback founder Rick Warren. Elisabeth Hasselbeck, no doubt expecting a bomb-laden address from William Ayers, couldn't have been more pleased.

Peeved Elisabeth Hasselbeck Tells Noted Indian Scholar to 'Go Light a Bowl of Incense'

Kyle Buchanan · 12/02/08 05:30PM

Though Elisabeth Hasselbeck has offended many during her tenure on The View, she's never quite had what could be called, in the show parlance, a "Ching Chong" moment. So named for Rosie O'Donnell's Asian language impression in which she shrieked, "Ching Chong Ching Chong!" and stopped just shy of declaring, "That was me, Rosie, playing an Oriental!" the gaffe is the type that incurs the wrath of an entire race, and Hasselbeck may have had her own in this morning's episode.

Barbara Walters to Rosie and Star: 'Ladies, Get On With Your Lives'

Kyle Buchanan · 11/20/08 01:39PM

While promoting her upcoming variety show Rosie Live yesterday, Rosie O'Donnell shocked exactly no one by dishing dirt on her former View cohosts. “[Barbara Walters] wanted everyone to believe and think and act as if we get along and are really good friends and happy and hang out together, and, you know, that’s just not the reality," O'Donnell said. “I’m not saying they loathe each other, but the fact of the matter is, there was not a lot of camaraderie off camera.” We've heard similar stories, but O'Donnell's comments at least compelled the co-hosts to summon some on-screen camaraderie today in order to denounce both Rosie and intermittent Barbara-basher Star Jones. Sadly, we fear that their ridiculously transparent "The Former Co-hosts Who Must Not Be Named" shtick will only open the door for a publicity-hungry Debbie Matenopolous to attempt an unsolicited, aggrieved rebuttal in the pages of Life & Style.

Millions Have Fought For Whoopi Goldberg's Right To Not Know What 'Suffrage' Means

Kyle Buchanan · 11/18/08 02:02PM

Today on The View, Whoopi Goldberg (dressed as a Navajo jewelry saleswoman from Tuba City, Arizona) continued to press the topic that has quickly proved to be the show's brand-new, post-election argument starter: same-sex marriage.Very little has changed in the hosts' positions (and Elisabeth Hasselbeck and Sherri Shepherd continue to advance the idea that gay marriage means that churches will be sued, dismantled, and rebuilt into Abercrombie & Fitch superstores), but at least Goldberg was kind enough to start things off on a new level of inanity by confessing that this "suffrage" thing that people have wanted throughout history? She's not really sure what that is! Maybe it's about suffering? Kinda sounds like it! "I guess it's when black people had to, you know, they didn't want to die for being black," Shepherd offers. Yeah, it's either that or the right to vote. You know, whichevs!

The Bid To Soften Elisabeth Hasselbeck Is Thwarted By A Napkin

Kyle Buchanan · 11/17/08 02:11PM

Our operative on The View has informed us that in an attempt to curb the audience negativity toward Elisabeth Hasselbeck that's built up over the last political season, producers are encouraging her to host fluffier segments (like bargain shopping and makeovers!) and to discuss her family more on-air. Sadly, Hasselbeck's attempt to do the latter on today's edition resulted in husband-directed hysteria pitched at a level where only dogs and William Ayers can hear.While recounting a story about how her husband Tim simply wouldn't brave a long holiday line to buy some $6.99 napkins (But the bargain, Tim! It was so relatable!), Hasselbeck immediately began to flail and rewrite her marriage vows on-air. "Ohhh," moans an attempting-to-sympathize Barbara Walters, while secretly thinking, "You don't have people for that? Why, once I was at a dinner party hosted by Henry Kissinger and Chita Rivera, and I sent this kind cater-waiter out to procure the cannelloni au gratin for me at Sardi's. I tipped him with a signed headshot and a two-dollar bill, as was the custom at the time."

Kyle Buchanan · 11/14/08 05:15PM

No Limitations! It only took twelve years, but the last week of The View finally put the program over the top to become the highest-rated show in daytime. In particular, the November 5 edition attracted the show's biggest audience ever (6.2 million), no doubt fueled by interest in Elisabeth Hasselbeck's concession speech the day after Barack Obama's historic presidential victory. When reached for comment, Hasselbeck responded, "William Ayers?" [Variety]

Man's Second Pregnancy Leads To Quadruple Head-Detonation For Ladies Of 'The View'

Seth Abramovitch · 11/13/08 01:32PM

You really have to sympathize with The View's braintrust, whose knowledge of topics like arts and science, current events, and the general shape of the planet is mostly limited to whatever producers can fit on a 5x8 cue card. Watching them try to argue the fundamental issues behind the Prop 8 firestorm is about as productive as watching four black-crested macaques change a spare tire—you know they'll get there eventually, but you're looking at many grueling hours of mutual nit-picking before they do.So when the group's impotent disciplinarian Barbara Walters returned from a recent interview with the World Famous Pregnant Man™ bearing the earth-shattering scoop that HE IS PREGNANT AGAIN, one can only imagine how quickly things devolved. The bombshell sucked the show into a Bermuda Triangle vortex of shock and confusion, tethered at each corner by the hosts' tenuous yet deeply passionate takes on hot topics like marriage, gender, and multiple-abortion-having. Words like "floored," "What the Hell Wednesday," and "woooowwwww" are soon lobbed about, until Elisabeth Hasselbeck—go figure!—is the one to finally rein in her wits, boring straight to the crux of this 21st century metaphysical mystery by observing: "Having another baby 10 months from now? That is hard work. 15 months apart? That's the hardest thing yet!" So true, so very true. [The View]

Pregnant Man Pregnant Again, Marvels Babs Walters

Richard Lawson · 11/13/08 01:18PM

The View is the strangest show ever. This morning old Barbara Walters joined Elisabeth, Sherri, and Whoopi for a chat about Thomas Beatie, that sorta fame-hungry female-to-male transsexual who gave birth to a child five months ago. And she gushingly revealed that the fellow is pregnant again! Watch as Sherri Shepherd's mind is blown to the four corners of this flat Earth of ours. Squirm as Elisabeth Hasselbeck tries to act as with-it and progressive as possible while all she clearly wants to do is throw up and weepily call her bestie Sarah Palin on the phone to tell her what freaks weirdos can be. And then feel bad for everyone because the whole stunned affair just reeks of circus side show and, as jarring (yes, I admit it) as the whole story is, the man and his family deserve far better. Clip is above.