
Adam Moss Has Chocolate* on His Face, and Other Minor Occurrences at the National Magazine Awards (Update)

Hamilton Nolan · 05/04/12 10:55AM

At the National Magazine Awards ceremony in Manhattan's Marriott Marquis hotel ballroom, famed New York Magazine editor Adam Moss took the stage with chocolate on his face, almost certainly from the Chocolate Pot du Créme dessert course served only minutes before. It had gotten into the stubble under his lower lip in a smear that covered a goodly part of his chin, giving him the appearance of a man casually accepting an award for Best Magazine Section just after being punched repeatedly in the mouth. The three sizable television screens placed at the back of the stage enlarged Moss's chocolatey visage so that it could be clearly seen from the back of the room. Though his cacao calamity was the subject of many whispers amongst the assemblage, its existence did not appear to register in the consciousness of Adam Moss whatsoever. He left the stage without incident.

The Interminable National Magazine Awards

Hamilton Nolan · 05/10/11 08:31AM

Last night was the semi-glamorous ceremony of the National Magazine Awards, "The Ellies," the longest night in magazines. Let's relive it!

Anna Wintour: The 30-Second Gawker Interview

Mike Vilensky · 04/23/10 01:49PM

We didn't get that much out of Vogue editor Anna Wintour during our brief conversation last night, but she did admit that running the magazine isn't actually all that hard. Then we asked creative director Grace Coddington to chime in.

The High-Stakes Ellies Pool: All Hail Big Berc

Jesse · 05/12/06 04:20PM

Jeff Bercovici, the sharply dressed but nevertheless heterosexual media editor of Women's Wear Daily, won Gawker's High-Stakes Ellies Pool Tuesday night by correctly predicting winners in 10 of 22 National Magazine Award categories. Now officially known as the Most Accuratest Media Pundit in New York, Bercovici today accepted the remainder of his prize: The coveted Gawker Ellie, delivered over lunch at — where else? — Michael's.

Media Bubble: Year Three, After Jayson

Jesse · 05/11/06 03:26PM

• Three years ago today, the Times published its Jayson Blair, and things went from bad to worse for Howell Raines (and from good to better for Seth Mnookin). [E&P]
• A short (and very Maer-friendly) history of Radar magazine. [NYRM]
• Incoming Pulitzer chairman Paul Steiger wants more focus on online web-based journalism. We'll be waiting for our public-service award. [E&P]
• The coolest kids at the Ellies didn't go black tie. [WWD (second item)]
• Even more Reege, now on NBC, too. Sigh. [B&C]

The High-Stakes Ellies Pool: We Have a Winner

Jesse · 05/10/06 03:24PM

Here it is, folks, the moment everyone — or, at least, Mark Whitaker — has been waiting for: The winner of Gawker's first-ever High-Stakes Ellies Pool, in which the assembled media-pundit masses competed for prizes and praise by picked who'd win each of the 22 National Magazine Awards.

Media Bubble: Tom Scocca Wants News From His Newsmags, Dammit

Jesse · 05/10/06 02:41PM

• Does the one-two punch of Time 100 and the National Magazine Awards underscore the uselessness of the newsweeklies? Scocca says yes. [NYO]
• Yes, Barney Calame sucks. No, that doesn't mean the Times should scrap the public editor experiment. [Slate]
• What readers will want in a news website, circa 2016. Surprisingly not on the list: Life lessons from Bonnie Fuller. [WSJ]
• Three staffers, including co-executive editor Mark Coleman, leave Star for Life & Style. Uh-oh. [WWD]
• Writers like soap operas. [NYO]

Ellie Madness: Next Year in Time Warner Center! (Or the Waldorf. Whatever.)

Jesse · 05/10/06 02:15PM

After the big show, the winners pose for the photos. One is not surprised that David Remnick and Jim Kelly end up in the middle while VQR's Ted Genoways is foisted to the side. One is surprised, however, that Esquire's David Granger (second from left) went long tie and wing collar, for the fratboy-as-groomsman look.

John Huey Loves Caps Lock, Likes Jim Kelly

Jesse · 05/10/06 11:42AM

It's gotta be awkward when the editor you've been trying to ease out is the menschy star of the National Magazine Awards. So what do you do, Time Inc. EIC John Huey, to square that circle? Enthusiasm! Over-the-top, shouting enthusiasm:

Ellie Madness: The Afterglow

Jesse · 05/10/06 10:20AM

Does Men's Health editor Dave Zinczenko really possess the best ass in magazinedom? With it sheathed in two layers of tuxedo, one can't really tell.

Live-Blogging the Ellies

Jessica · 05/09/06 07:57PM

Reporting live to you from Jazz at Lincoln Center, your go-to venue for all media prom nights:

Ellie Madness: Countdown to the Red Carpet

Jesse · 05/09/06 03:16PM

We're just hours away from tonight's big National Magazine Awards extravaganza, and Ellie Madness is reaching a fever pitch. By last night's deadline, 14 mag wags had entered our high-stakes pool. We've tallied their picks and are now pleased to present Gawker's wisdom-of-crowds predictions for tonight's winners. (Methodology: The wisdom-of-crowds pick for each category is the title that received a plurality of votes from the participating pickers. In categories where two or more titles tied for the lead, no winner is predicted.)

The Ellie Madness of Simon Dumenco: Bring Back the Lunch!

Jesse · 05/08/06 05:20PM

Why is Simon Dumenco mad this week? Ellie Madness, naturally. Well, not the madness itself; rather, he's mad about the Ellies. He makes several perfectly reasonable points about things fucked up with the magazine biz's big awards. His suggestions:

Ellie Madness: Introducing the Gawker Ellie

Jesse · 05/08/06 12:35PM

We've got eight entries filed in the High-Stakes Ellies Pool, and at least a few more are on their way. Plus there's still more folks we're trying to guilt into participating. (Come on, Dumenco. What kind of Media Guy worthy of the name won't hazard a few guesses?) As an additional enticement, we're now pleased to introduce Gawker Ellie, above, the keynote prize for the winner. There will be other, intangible prizes — compliments, esteem — and even, perhaps, some additional tangible prizes. But Gawker Ellie is the real tribute to your prowess. She's an elephant, in tribute to the Calder stabile known as Ellie. She's floppy, because her muscles have atrophied from sitting in front of a computer all day. And she's sad-looking, because aren't we all a little sad? (Also: Stuffed elephants, harder to find than you think.)