
Watch These Guys Drive Through a Raging Inferno

Jeff Neumann · 08/02/10 07:28AM

Southern Russia is basically on fire. Yesterday alone, hundreds of fires broke out due to record heat and dry fields, and at least 28 people have died. But that didn't stop a few guys from driving through Hell on Earth.

Junk Bonds Will Destroy The Earth in 2012

Jeff Neumann · 03/16/10 06:07AM

Just when you thought this whole recession thing was over, the Times is reporting that $700 billion worth of bad corporate debt will be due in two years. Stock up on Doomsday supplies now.

'Stripper-Mobile' Proves Every Las Vegas Stereotype Correct

Adrian Chen · 11/11/09 09:34PM

Just read an article about a truck that drives around Las Vegas with a stripper dancing in it, and boy are my preconceived notions about that place tired (from being completely confirmed.) Whatever happens in Vegas, is ridiculous in Vegas.