
Tonight Is the Nerd Reckoning

Ryan Tate · 06/12/09 05:48PM

Run for your lives, Silicon Valley's terrifying nightlife is upon us! Any minute now, Twitter plans to start the party by assigning an extra-large numeric ID to a tweet, thus breaking various Twitter programs. Then Facebook makes its move.

Survivalist Chicken Coops Sprouting Up Across America

John Cook · 04/18/09 10:00AM

A confluence of localvore do-gooderism and desperate poverty is transforming America's suburbs into a Third World hellscape, because otherwise-normal people are raising chickens in their backyards.

Detroit Papers Get Worse, Harder To Obtain

Hamilton Nolan · 12/13/08 09:52AM

Nobody lives in Detroit any more, and nobody reads print newspapers, so maybe it's not so bad that the few remaining Detroit residents can no longer get their awful papers delivered to their burned-out homes.

Sesame Street Absorbed By Department Of Homeland Security

Moe · 09/18/08 10:09AM

The Department of Homeland Security is employing the cast of Sesame Street to indoctrinate America's littlest citizens in the nuances of societal distrust and paranoia. This makes sense because Sesame Street is a Leninist television program produced by the socialist government and dating back to the height of fiscal crisis brought about by the reckless expansion of the welfare state to whose beneficiaries Sesame Street was engineered to placate.And the Department of Homeland Security represents the biggest expansion of government since the New Deal!

One By One

Nick Denton · 09/17/08 03:58PM

Stock prices over the last year of Morgan Stanley, Lehman Brothers, AIG, Merrill Lynch and Goldman Sachs.

Harvey Weinstein Makes a Blog

Pareene · 07/24/08 03:48PM

Weinstein Company head Harvey Weinstein is blogging away at Portfolio in a perfect storm of terrible news that we are required to cover. He is mad at you for going to Batman instead of some bullshit pretend indie he released to no acclaim. IT WON FOUR BAFTAS. The problem is the lying, biased media. "So, you see, its not that I'm not focusing on great independent films, it's just that no one is paying attention to them." So go see some weepie pretend indie and help Harvey Take Back the Multiplex! [Portfolio via NYO]

Monkey-Piloted Robots Will Kill Us All

Pareene · 05/29/08 08:27AM

This is just like the other night when we flipped past ABC and Charlie Gibson said "up next, the robot revolution," which is a story we thought he probably should've led with. Anyway, monkeys finally control robots with their thoughts and mankind is basically defunct, now. [NYT, Drudge]


Pareene · 04/23/08 11:21AM

The world is running out of food! And not even fancy foods like heirloom cherry tomatoes or Sonic's deep-fried macaroni and cheese bites, but the basic boring foods that it seems like we should have plenty of, like rice. Rice! So Sam's Club, the warehouse division of Wal-Mart, is now "limiting sales of Jasmine, Basmati and long grain white rices." [Reuters]

Hell Week: Is Everything Falling Apart?

Pareene · 03/21/08 04:25PM

Was this week a peek at a terrible future? A dreadful harbinger of things to come? Will all the weeks be like this from now on? Yeah, news-wise, it was slow, which is deadly for a blog like this, but it shouldn't have been slow. Two gubernatorial sex scandals! A heated election! A collapsing economy! Shouldn't it be crazy here? Maybe we're all too depressed to write about it! Look at Drudge. The image above has been on top of his site all day. He's talking about the presidential race, but everyone feels like that crying smiley face this week. Right? Let's take a look at the tape:

Parlour Game

Pareene · 02/15/08 01:22PM
  • Results 1 - 10 of about 128 for "blogger who came in from the cold". (0.36 seconds)

There Will Be Blood

Pareene · 01/02/08 04:40PM

OIL HIT $100 A BARREL TODAY EVERYONE PANIC! It closed comfortably below that at $99.62, and adjusting for inflation it's not actually the highest it's ever been, but we're well on our way! Everyone invest in Flintstone cars. And Google. [NYT]

Choire · 12/24/07 11:45AM

The streets of the East Village are so very "I Am Legend" right now! It's like the rapture happened and only sleepy sinners are, at last, left behind! Hoorah. (This means: Cute dudes going to the deli in sweats.) This is a great preview of what New York's going to be in twenty years, after the mosquitos bring Chikungunya north from the tropics, like they did in Italy! End times! As my mother put it in an email yesterday: "WTF— it's 61 degrees there??" The Alaskan walruses are biting the hot dust! China's glaciers? Not so glacial. (Who knew China had glaciers?)