Michael Phelps Must Embrace His Inner Rock Star, However Imperfectly
Hamilton Nolan · 02/02/09 01:47PMMichael Phelps Will Endorse Anything That Tastes Sweet
Hamilton Nolan · 12/03/08 11:35AM![](http://d20hvt89h2l7r8.cloudfront.net/18m7slqi75iwjjpg/c_scale,fl_progressive,q_80,w_800.jpg)
Hey Michael Phelps, America is transfixed by your endorsement deals for some reason! The golden fishboy should, by all rights, have fallen out of the spotlight by now. It's been what, like, four months since he won any Olympic medals? Old news. But by god people just love this goofy ass-grasper, so we and the rest of the media will continue to tell you exactly what he is formally recommending for public consumption. Today, the story of how one tiny company swindled the unsophisticated manchild into ongoing indentured servitude:
Cheerio Outrage
Hamilton Nolan · 12/01/08 02:10PMGM Fires Tiger Woods, Pencil Suppliers
Hamilton Nolan · 11/24/08 03:28PM![](http://d20hvt89h2l7r8.cloudfront.net/18m7tznz7o2pojpg/c_scale,fl_progressive,q_80,w_800.jpg)
Floundering maker of autos GM got slammed for flying its executives to Washington on private jets to beg for a government bailout. They were denied, so now they've decided to cut back on every last unnecessary expense. And today, the company announced that it's going to end its $8 million per year endorsement contract with Tiger Woods. Though GM swears that, hey, this has nothing to do with their desperate quest for a bailout—"the timing...is purely coincidental." (Bullshit, judging purely on outward appearance). Where else is the company cutting costs? Everywhere, starting with the paper towels!:
Michael Phelps, Jared From Subway Form Goofy Coalition
Hamilton Nolan · 11/24/08 12:54PM![](http://d20hvt89h2l7r8.cloudfront.net/18m7u2sfz128qjpg/c_scale,fl_progressive,q_80,w_800.jpg)
After he won 84 Olympic gold medals in Beijing and celebrated with a firm grip, Michael Phelps got a little screwy with his endorsement deals. He endorsed McDonald's, which made him seem insensitive to fat Americans who don't spend hours doing swimming drills every day, and he endorsed Frosted Flakes, which, you know, ditto. Some of his other endorsement choices came dangerously close to painting him as a nerd. But he's signed on with Subway now—a healthy choice! Screw McDonald's! But this causes as many problems as it solves for Fish Boy:
Jocks Cede Role Model Status To Nerds
Hamilton Nolan · 11/19/08 09:53AM![](http://d20hvt89h2l7r8.cloudfront.net/18m7vngm35zzhjpg/c_scale,fl_progressive,q_80,w_800.jpg)
Remember in the olden days when pro athletes and Olympians would grace our soft drink ads, urging us to guzzle the nutritionally barren sugar water in order to be a champion like them, cognitive dissonance be damned? Yea, if you listen to athletes now, you are old and laughable. The new (and far more appropriate!) face of Dr. Pepper is a 21-year-old kid who makes a quarter of a million bucks playing video games. Why I never! Lazy kids nowadays! There is simply no way not to sound like some parody of Dave Barry making "these kids!" jokes while writing about this development. But what you need to know is that if you have skills with a Wii controller, you better watch out for the geek paparazzi:
Paulson's New Recovery Plan: Endorsement Deals!
cityfile · 11/12/08 02:19PM![](http://d20hvt89h2l7r8.cloudfront.net/Image_Not_Found_1x_qjofp8/c_scale,fl_progressive,q_80,w_800.png)
The national debt now stands at $10.6 trillion and the federal government needs to borrow at least $1 trillion a year to keep the country in business. What's the Treasury Department going to come up with that kind of cash? Maybe Hank Paulson was on to something when he delivered a press conference this morning and positioned himself next to a gleaming bottle of refreshing Dasani water. Now Barack Obama just needs to tap a marketing guru and cut a few high-profile endorsement deals. The giant image if the Geico gekko on the side of the White House won't be pretty, but at least you'll have a job to go to tomorrow!
Depressed Journal Can't Bring Itself To Endorse McCain
Ryan Tate · 11/02/08 11:37PM![](http://d20hvt89h2l7r8.cloudfront.net/18s50xi7vw3npjpg/c_scale,fl_progressive,q_80,w_800.jpg)
Neocons the nation over got a little thrill up their legs this spring, when News Corporation overlord Rupert Murdoch said he might uncage the editorial-page pitbulls at his Wall Street Journal to issue presidential endorsements for the first time since Herbert Hoover was president (!). Sure, newspaper endorsements are useless in presidential races, but the Journal's frenzied rantings would have been kind of fun to read, assuming they did not give you rabies. But when the Journal issued its big McCain editorial this weekend, it was just all, "Meh, he's OK."
Michael Phelps And The Nerdy Endorsement Trap
Hamilton Nolan · 10/28/08 11:14AM![](http://d20hvt89h2l7r8.cloudfront.net/18m82hnoqfmdnjpg/c_scale,fl_progressive,q_80,w_800.jpg)
Dolphin-like Olympic champ Michael Phelps is like that dude in the poem who has come to two roads that diverge in the woods. Except Michael Phelps has far more money at stake than that guy. Now that Phelps has won the races and gripped the strippers, his full-time job is endorsing products in return for sweet cash, the nectar of life. Even his mom is in on it! But Phelps is already screwing up. Now is when you determine whether you're the next Tiger Woods or the next [obscure swimmer], Mike. We're here to help, for a small cut. Micheal Phelps' current endorsements include Speedo, Visa, Kellogg's, AT&T, Rosetta Stone, PureSport Beverages. The first would be better if it was Nike or Adidas. The last two are crap niche products that will bring down Phelps' brand value. The middle three are okay (although Wheaties would have been preferable to Corn Pops). What Phelps has to realize is that there are only two paths for athlete endorsers to take: the Nerd path, personified by Tiger Woods, or the Badass path, personified by Ray Lewis. It's simple, really. Can a middle-aged white businessman imagine hanging out with you for a day, and maybe making friends? Then you're a Nerd. Tiger is the uber-nerd, and he's made it work to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars. Do you think Tiger motherfucking Woods drives a Buick? No, old people drive Buicks. But Tiger is nonthreatening enough that old people can imagine him plausibly driving one to their cocktail party, and then hitting a few putts in the putting green in their den. Pals. Ray Lewis is a superstar linebacker for the Baltimore Ravens. He was on the cover of Madden 2005. He's also been indicted on murder charges. He will end you. Do you think Ray Lewis is going to come over to your apartment and sit on your couch and play Madden with you and offer you a high five and drink your Capri Sun in a spirit of friendly sportsmanship? No. You fear Ray Lewis, and that is why he's an effective endorser. This is a spectrum, but everyone falls on one side or the other. Michael Jordan is at the friendly end of Badass. Donovan McNabb is at the cooler end of Nerd. Michael Phelps has placed himself squarely on the nerd track. The question is, is that the way to go. Look, Phelps: you're young. You're going to be a tabloid star. You don't want to be Tiger Woods, a cold-blooded machine with an icy, beautiful wife, a billion bucks in the bank, and a Buick in the driveway. You want to be the Jordan of swimming: towering and inapproachable in the pool, and a relaxed, smiling cigar-smoker out of it, surrounded by women as you play craps with money that Cuba Gooding Jr. gave you for the privilege of wearing your underwear. So lose the Speedo and the Rosetta Stone. Take up with Adidas and some Italian airline that will buy you your own villa. Keep up the aggressive grip. Grow rich and prosper. Send us 2%. [I know you're actually a nerd, Mike. It's irrelevant.]
WSJ To Endorse Obama? (Or: Matt Drudge Drunk?)
Ryan Tate · 10/27/08 08:38PM![](http://d20hvt89h2l7r8.cloudfront.net/18s50kkkeqtn7jpg/c_scale,fl_progressive,q_80,w_800.jpg)
The Wall Street Journal does not, historically, endorse presidential candidates. But the newspaper has a new owner since the last election, Rupert Murdoch, who said he was considering changing that policy. It's hard to imagine the rabid right-wingers of the Journal editorial page jumping in the tank for Democratic nominee Barack Obama. But if the WSJ were to be planning an Obama endorsement, it would seem natural for conservative blogger Matt Drudge to get ahold of the news first, as he seemed to be implying in one of tonight's headlines, pictured at left. (The graphic reads "Presidential Material/Barack Obama.")
Scott McClellan Endorses Obama
Ryan Tate · 10/23/08 08:52PM![](http://d20hvt89h2l7r8.cloudfront.net/18s50drwo3m5vjpg/c_scale,fl_progressive,q_80,w_800.jpg)
The White House press secretary hinted he would do it in May, and now Scott McClellan has finally pulled the trigger, telling CNN's D.L. Hughley "I will be voting for Barack Obama... I am going to support the candidate that has the best chance for changing the way Washington works and getting things done." This scenario looks familiar, and may presage more last-minute Obama endorsements to come.
Barack Obama President Of Newspaper Endorsements
Ryan Tate · 10/20/08 09:01PMGood news, Barack Obama supporters: Your Democratic presidential nominee is winning the campaign for newspaper endorsements in a landslide, with 112 newspapers to rival John McCain's 39! By circulation it's 13 million to 4 million. Sadly, however, those endorsements are almost definitely useless.
Dennis Hopper: Obama's A Poet Warrior In the Classic Sense
Pareene · 10/13/08 04:53PMHitch Joins All-Star Roster of Anti-McCain "Smart" Republicans
Pareene · 10/13/08 12:46PM![](http://d20hvt89h2l7r8.cloudfront.net/18m874frvppw5png/c_scale,fl_progressive,q_80,w_800.png)
Noted Bush-supporting former Trotskyite Christopher Hitchens has endorsed Democrat Barack Obama for president! In Slate today, the beloved British alcoholic raves about how Obama isn't a sad old man, like McCain, or an offensive joke, like Sarah Palin. Hitch, like a Nader voter, declares that there are no substantial differences between the candidates, but McCain's temperament is too unstable, and Obama's is much more reassuring. This is basically the argument of a number of noted conservative intellectuals who have, in recent weeks, either endorsed Obama, resigned themselves to an Obama presidency, or simply unendorsed McCain. As the intellectual conservatives abandoned Bush, now they find themselves abandoning the GOP. Atlantic blogger Andrew Sullivan was once a very prominent, very influential conservative. As recently as last year, even as he largely abandoned Bush, he was still complimenting McCain. Now, not so much. Times columnist David Brooks scarcely deserves to be called an intellectual, but as we're using that term strictly to mean "East Coast elitists who write about politics professionally" he'll have to do. This "I'm disappointed in McCain but he'll be a good president" column was but a prelude to Brooks' statement during an interview that Obama was a perceptive intellectual surrounded by impressive people and Sarah Palin is a cancer. Christopher Buckley was hardly a doctrinaire conservative. As a satirical novelist and a smart-ass, one imagines he's not too pleased with the rise of creationist rubes in his beloved GOP (his dad made that fucking bed, obvs, but that's neither here nor there). And Chris claims he wrote in George H.W. Bush in 2004 rather than vote for the son. But that's far different from explicitly endorsing a Democrat, as he did last week. Once again: Obama's temperament and obvious intelligence sealed the deal. Charles Krauthammer is basically a reliable party hack, always willing to subvert his own intelligence for the good of the party. But the once-influential psychiatrist can't help but see that his movement is not served by the buffoonery of the McCain campaign. He wrote this mild quasi-endorsement of Obama this month:
Fickle Rupert Murdoch Gets Cozy With Palin
Ryan Tate · 09/25/08 02:53AM![](http://d20hvt89h2l7r8.cloudfront.net/18s4yr4piwldijpg/c_scale,fl_progressive,q_80,w_800.jpg)
Rupert Murdoch seems to have transferred his politician crush from Barack Obama to Sarah Palin. His tentative support for Palin (and her obscure running mate) on the financial meltdown tonight evolved into a "quite chummy" run-in at a charity gala for the Manhattan media elites Palin claims not to care about. Murdoch gave Palin a pat on the back and said "thank you very much" as Palin left the gala, while Palin wore the "radiant smile" of not caring, according to a media pool report summarized by Politico. And to think that just four months ago Murdoch called Obama a "rock star." What happened?
Ed Koch Chooses Sides
cityfile · 09/09/08 11:40AM![](http://d20hvt89h2l7r8.cloudfront.net/Image_Not_Found_1x_qjofp8/c_scale,fl_progressive,q_80,w_800.png)
Ed Koch endorsed Barack Obama for president this morning, news that came as something of a surprise considering he endorsed Bush in 2004. So what made up his mind? Obama's views on gay rights, perhaps? Koch says it had more to do with his distaste for Sarah Palin: "Frankly, it would scare me if she were to succeed John McCain in the presidency." [NY1, Politico]
Sarah Palin Scares Ed Koch
Pareene · 09/09/08 11:33AM![](http://d20hvt89h2l7r8.cloudfront.net/18m8km76ovl78jpg/c_scale,fl_progressive,q_80,w_800.jpg)
Ed Koch, lovable weird old probably gay former New York mayor, is a Democrat, yes, and wrote a book about how much he hated Rudy Giuliani, but lately he's been talking a lot about how great the Bush administration is (when he is not reviewing movies), so most people assumed he'd endorse ol' John McCain for president this year. But then something funny happened! McCain selected this woman named Sarah Palin to be his Vice President. So today, Koch endorsed Barack Obama! What's up with that? Koch's written statmeent says Barack Obama will protect us from terror, and help the poor people, but to really understand why he endorsed Obama we turn to his statement to Politico's Ben Smith: "Any time someone goes to the library and says, 'I want to ban books,' and the librarian says 'no,' and she threatens to fire them — that's scary." She's speaking of Sarah Palin, of course. But it might not be just the book-banning that turned ol' Ed off! See, Sarah Palin is a super-Christian self-described "pitbull" whose church is maybe trying to convert all the Jews. Also Ed Koch just proved us 100% correct. She terrifies the old Jews who might otherwise be wary of that Obama kid. Time to invest in more Florida air time, Axelrod! Even more awesome: according to Radar, Koch had the best critique of Giulinai's Republican National Convention speech ever:
Michael Phelps' Mom Has Her Own Frumpy Endorsement Deal
Hamilton Nolan · 09/03/08 08:45AM![](http://d20hvt89h2l7r8.cloudfront.net/17m3z28infdanjpg/c_scale,fl_progressive,q_80,w_800.jpg)
Is America ready for fashion endorsements from regular people? To clarify, "regular" means "A person who is famous in some way, but not pretty." It's a heartwarming concept, but the answer is "no." Americans will never relinquish our devotion to models (though we have been known to tolerate slightly less anorexic models). But! What if said "regular person" is the woman who spawned superhuman American fish hero Michael Phelps? Still no: Debbie Phelps, Michael's mom, has signed a six-figure endorsement deal with Chico's, the company that made most of the clothes she wore in the stands at the Olympics. Michelle Obama is also on the record as a Chico's fan!
Heroic Phelps Inspires World To Gorge On McDonalds
Hamilton Nolan · 08/19/08 09:01AM![](http://d20hvt89h2l7r8.cloudfront.net/17m3m7lqxooksjpg/c_scale,fl_progressive,q_80,w_800.jpg)
Are you sick of hearing by now how Michael Phelps eats 12,000 calories a day to fuel his superhuman championship swimming for the gold? Too bad dude! Because what has not been adequately discussed by the media is how awesomely all-American Michael Phelps' calories are. He eats McDonalds! And you can follow his championship diet, too! Allow one of our nation's most prominent journalists to tell you all about it: NBC anchor Brian Williams gave Phelps some special McD's dining advice before their recent interview: