
Oprah Followers Drape Themselves In Rags Of Their Idol

Hamilton Nolan · 04/10/08 04:34PM

Oprah is scary. There's no denying it. She essentially runs the foremost happy cult in America, surpassing even Martha Stewart at her pre-prison height of popularity. So it's not odd, we guess, that her devotees want to buy all types of tchotchkes with her menacing "O" logo stamped on them like a gang sign for suburban women. But is it really necessary to orgasmically revel in the sweat-stained experience of wearing her old clothes?

Incarcerated Rapper Blogs Against Racism

Hamilton Nolan · 04/09/08 03:14PM

Prodigy, Mobb Deep's lead rapper and avid blogger, is currently locked up in Fishkill, NY. With all the time on his hands, he's been reading, writing, and philosophizing. And doing a lot of thinking about how racist the entertainment industry is. And making long, long lists of examples of racist cartoons, movies, TV shows, and advertising, and sending those lists out to be posted on blogs [VIBE]. He has a point! Can you add anything to this rundown?

Genius of Point Break Finally Recognized By Government

Hamilton Nolan · 04/09/08 01:52PM

Who among us could not be a changed person after seeing the 1991 beach-based thriller Point Break? Patrick Swayze as the surf gang leader Bodhi; Gary Busey as the world-weary cop Pappas; and Keanu Reeves as Johnny Utah, trying to do whatever he imagined an actor's job to be. The movie became an instant classic, of a sort, in 1991. It took 12 more years before the inevitable stage version of the show, "Point Break LIVE!," hit theatergoers like a surfboard to the face. And that show—in which an audience member is selected to play Johnny Utah each night, and "reads their entire script off cue cards in order to capture the rawness of a Keanu Reeves performance"—has put in five long years on stage before being awarded its own official day in a formal proclamation by San Francisco mayor Gavin Newsom. As the immortal Bodhi said, "Goddamn! You are one radical son of a bitch [MAYOR NEWSOM]!" They should make it TWO days:

Gordon Ramsay Brings Halibut To Life

Hamilton Nolan · 04/09/08 12:53PM

Not to be a total pawn for the evil Fox marketing machine, but I really love that show "Hell's Kitchen." I don't care if Gordon Ramsay says "cunt," or kicks couples out of a restaurant during their romantic Valentine's day dinners. Last night, as I sat through the commercials to find out which team had selected a portion of halibut that weighed closest to six ounces, I realized that this must be a good show, because it had me waiting anxiously to watch a dramatic scene of fish fillets being placed on a scale.

Elisabeth Murdoch's Heroic Tale Of Struggle

Hamilton Nolan · 04/08/08 01:25PM

Elisabeth Murdoch—the daughter of News Corp. chief Rupert Murdoch, owner of all currently operating media outlets—has a personal story that Horatio Alger would appreciate. Sure, today she's the CEO of her own production company. But she started with nothing. Absolutely nothing. Elisabeth Murdoch was once a lowly, unappreciated "broke acquisitions executive" on the bottom rung of the ladder, according to Elisabeth Murdoch. In a recent speech to a crowd of other wealthy entertainment executives [Hollywood Reporter], she delivered a tale of woe and triumph that will serve as an inspiration to people who, like Murdoch, had to work their way up with pure grit:

Harold And Kumar Build Online Buzz Through Preview Clips

Hamilton Nolan · 04/07/08 02:39PM

Remember that delightful multicultural collegiate duo Harold & Kumar, whom we last saw being forever thwarted on their Sisyphean journey to procure White Castle burgers? Well they're back, the scamps, and this time they're trying to escape from Guantanamo Bay! You wouldn't be able to tell from this just-released trailer, though, since it features their interactions with a cyclops, rather than with the US military. Ah well, we're sure that it fits into the plot in a way we can scarcely imagine. If you so choose, you can watch the clip [via OhNoTheyDidnt] after the jump.

Bad 'Moment Of Truth' Lady: "The Heart Wants What It Wants"

Hamilton Nolan · 04/04/08 12:26PM

Remember Lauren Cleri, the original terrible "Moment of Truth" contestant who sold out her husband and her marriage on live TV, only to walk away with no money at all? Well FOX has helpfully put a brand new update interview with her on YouTube. Seems she's having some relationship troubles now! Her husband is hurting. She's hurting. Everybody's hurting! But you know what? This experience has helped make her the strong woman that she is today. What hasn't gotten stronger, though: her sense of judgment, for doing this updated interview in the first place. The full video is after the jump.

Sex And The City Imagines Leaving Manhattan

Hamilton Nolan · 04/03/08 01:10PM

An interesting intellectual exercise: in the absence of new content, how can you keep churning out thousands of words on "Sex And The City" in order to exploit every last bit of misguided interest in the HBO series about four fabulous friends in New York before the movie comes out, giving you another free faux-news hook to exploit for months more? The New York Daily News knows how: by re-imagining the series today. Still a bunch of rich 30-something women or whatever, with one key difference. Now, they would live in the outer boroughs. Revolution!

The Other Reggaeton Cable Ad: Awesomer

Hamilton Nolan · 04/01/08 11:51AM

Remember that IO Digital Cable/ Optimum Online reggaeton ad on the beach that is the most ubiquitous thing on television in the tristate area? Ha, you don't just remember it, you secretly love it! Or perhaps it makes you want to murder people. Either way, when I saw this old Spanish remix of the ad running on Telemundo last weekend, I knew I had to find it and bring it to you, the viewer. This is not just the same as the ad on the beach, but with Spanish lyrics; this is a totally different ad, done in a Hype Williams-style shiny black and white palette, with dancing girls, an even more banging beat, and that reggaeton guy dressed up like Busta Rhymes, riding in a tiny car! It's truly a must-see. If you don't see much Spanish TV, you'll want to bookmark this one to watch over and over and over and over. Full video after the jump.

New "Storyverse" Lets You Spend More Money On Same Hollywood Idea

Hamilton Nolan · 03/31/08 12:00PM

Let's face a hard truth: most movies that started out as video games end up sucking pretty bad. Sure, some of them make plenty of money, but are you really able to suspend your critical faculties long enough to enjoy them without gagging a little bit on the forced synergy? Well now, a company called Radar Group is planning to develop "storyverses," which are ideas that can simultaneously spawn video games, movies, and other content. First up: a movie spinoff of the game "Max Payne," starring Mark Wahlberg as a rogue cop. Future ideas: an environmental disaster story, an alien invasion story, and "a horror story in which evil must be hunted down and imprisoned." Will they suck less than previous game/ movie efforts? Well, they're from the "Storyverse," so of course. Everything is different now! [Portfolio; image via Vayacine]

Sacha Baron Cohen Plays First Gay Man To Visit Kansas

Hamilton Nolan · 03/31/08 10:16AM

Sacha "Borat" Baron "Ali G" Cohen is working on his upcoming flick about his character "Bruno," the supergay Austrian fashion reporter. Since everyone on both coasts (except for Ben Affleck) is obviously too familiar with his work to be punked, Bruno has traveled to the heart of flyover land, Wichita, Kansas. Where he was captured on film doing supergay stuff! His act reportedly "almost looked like pornography," at least to Kansas sensibilities. After the jump, video [via Towleroad] of Bruno and his funky pants dance, which brings joy to the dreary confines of the Wichita terminal.

Battlestar Galactica: There Will Be Blood

ian spiegelman · 03/30/08 01:53PM

The Sci Fi Channel's Battlestar Galactica, which is the most important science fiction TV show ever, returns for its fourth and final season on Friday, and it could be a gorefest. (It damn well better be.) "Admiral Adama arrived at the door with blood on his hands. 'I'm sorry, I don't think you want me to shake,' actor Edward James Olmos said, presenting his red palms. With his world-weary eyes and the stained cuffs of his military coat, he looked like some battlefield surgeon fresh from triage." Oh! Oh! It's blood! Whose blood?

Blogger Wrestles World Champion Fighter: Find Out What Happens!

Hamilton Nolan · 03/27/08 12:47PM

Alex "Blue States Lose" Blagg is a pretty prototypical New York blogger, except for the fact that he used to wrestle in high school. That bit of athletic glory in his past somehow inspired him to arrange an actual, physical wrestling match with Quentin "Rampage" Jackson, the current Ultimate Fighting Championship champion and honest-to-god badass of the first order [Best Week Ever]. We won't give away who won this battle of equals! The full video is after the jump. Keep in mind that Rampage's favorite technique is called the "Power Bomb":

More Undertaker News On The Way For Kids

Hamilton Nolan · 03/27/08 09:32AM

World Wrestling Entertainment, home to violent superstars like Hornswoggle, Jimmy Wang Yang, and The Undertaker, as well as a bevy of busty bikini-clad "Divas," is launching a children's magazine in April called WWE Kids. Great, sex and violence, just what kids want. No, really: the combination of cartoonish fighting and Barbie-like female sex symbols is quite appealing to young boys. The magazine should be a successful business venture. Good show. [ProWrestling.com]

Fox Fights For The Right To Prime Time Smut

Hamilton Nolan · 03/25/08 10:04AM

The Fox Network: freedom fighters, or the anchor around American pop culture's neck as it plummets down to the inevitable lowest common denominator in all forms of entertainment? Could be both! Fox is refusing to pay a $91,000 indecency fine from the FCC for a 2003 episode of the execrable show "Married By America" that featured guys licking whipped cream off strippers and being spanked [Variety]. On one hand, screw the uptight fascists at the FCC and their enforced moralizing! On the other hand, we know Fox is fighting this just so they don't set any precedents that would hinder their rush towards programming that will culminate in live executions of the poor on TV. So it's hard not to be torn on this issue. Below, what appears to be the only clip on YouTube of "Married By America' (not the stripper one). This was a justifiably unpopular show.

Common: I Used To Love Him

Hamilton Nolan · 03/24/08 04:14PM

How come I can't get past the sneaky feeling that Common is a tool? The feel-good, conscious-style Chicago rapper makes truly fresh music, he reps causes like animal rights, and he's an Obama supporter. He's even speaking out with a message of love to defend Obama's controversial pastor Jeremiah Wright [BV Buzz]! I can get with that. So what's the problem? Oh! I know what it is. He rhymed in a fucking GAP ad. Then there was that fucking Lincoln Navigator ad. And the fucking Smirnoff ads. And now he's going to be a gunslinging tough guy in a fucking Keanu Reeves movie? Yes, I think I've put my finger on it. I never really liked his stupid outfits either, honestly. But then again, I'm a hater. Trailer for Street Kings—with Common blasting away like a tool—after the jump.

Poor, Esteem-Challenged "Artists" Sought for Reality Show

ian spiegelman · 03/22/08 11:11AM

If you're one of those ratty Brooklyn kids but are not blessed with the obligatory trust fund and you really, really want any tiny piece of fame, you're in luck. Casting agents for HD Gallery-which is a cable channel you might have-are looking for two artsy types willing to live by their wits and creative talents alone. "Art Race" will feature "Two Artist/Art Racers" who "must cross the US in 40 days, surviving only on Art. Armed with art materials, cameras and a $1 dollar budget, the Artist/Art Racers must 'trade' Art for food, shelter and other art-works."

The Return Of The B-Boy

Hamilton Nolan · 03/21/08 11:24AM

Discussion: break dancing—cool, embarrassing, or some mixture thereof? A new film called "Planet B-Boy," opening tonight in New York, takes a look at break dancing across the globe—the type of thing that could spark a revived cultural moment for the niche urban phenomenon, like "Spellbound" did for spelling bees. The Times gives it a fairly positive review; the New York Sun kind of pans it, but what do they know about B-boys? I always considered them to be fun to watch, but not something I would ever personally become. Will we soon see nouveau break dancing battles across Soho and Williamsburg as the form gains a brief, ironic throwback popularity? Or will it remain consigned to circles in Union Square and Rock Steady anniversary parties? After the jump, the movie's trailer, and a clip from LOZ—the best b-boy crew that I ever saw up close—in action. DC stand up!

We Are All Complicit In 'Moment Of Truth'

Hamilton Nolan · 03/20/08 04:03PM

So, anybody catch last night's episode of Fox's show, "You're A Dirty Whore, Aren't You?" Okay, I see here the formal title is "Moment of Truth." Last night, a blonde, curly-haired hostess/ model from New York hit the trifecta by insulting her mother, insulting her friend, and proving herself to be a dirty, bad girl. Whoa, Fox was just as outraged as you were! Why is it so hard to find clean-living people for these reality shows? In perfect form, the guest proved that both her current and former boyfriend are smug assholes (simply by allowing them to show their faces), and then proceeded to confidently continue to sell her honor past the point of no return. And how much money did she walk away with in exchange? The highlight clip is below. This show makes my soul feel weird.

Blowing Up New York Still The Only Idea In Entertainment

Hamilton Nolan · 03/17/08 10:03AM

Fabulous new idea for a video game: the destruction of New York City! You're just one man with a bunch of guns, and the Nazis are bombing Manhattan. They're blowing up the buildings! They're blowing up the Statue of Liberty! It'll be great. Who doesn't want to see NYC's violent demolition played out in digital graphics? I do! No, seriously, I might buy this one. But I will swear off the "violent demolition of NYC" movies. One medium at a time. After the jump, the full trailer for the new game, "Turning Point: Fall of Liberty," the latest in the disconcerting procession of entertainment based on Gotham's death. See if you can find your home exploding!