
People Might Like Gun Nuts More if They Weren't Such Dicks to Women

Adam Weinstein · 05/15/14 09:20AM

They call you a "stupid bitch" and "motherfucking whore" and "thugs with jugs." They stoop down to your wheelchair to spit in your face. They stalk you and ambush you in the dark outside your home. If you're a woman and you think guns should maybe be regulated a bit more, this is what you get.

Who's Writing the Names of Alleged Campus Rapists on Columbia's Walls?

Adam Weinstein · 05/13/14 02:30PM

Columbia University has come under serious scrutiny for its handling of campus sexual-assault allegations lately. Legal complaints have been filed. Tell-alls have been written. And now, unsatisfied students are taking to the school's walls, sharing the names of alleged assaulters.

S.C. College Forced to Close Gender-Studies Center After Lesbian Play

Adam Weinstein · 05/13/14 12:59PM

Amid political pressure over its decisions to put on a "lesbian" play and offer incoming freshmen pro-LGBT readings, an embattled college in the South Carolina public university system has suddenly announced it's closing its gender-studies center.

Right-Wing Bloggers Are Flipping Out Over This YouTube Abortion Video

Adam Weinstein · 05/06/14 01:02PM

This is Emily Letts, a patient advocate at a reproductive clinic in Cherry Hill, New Jersey, just outside Philadelphia. Letts got pregnant and was, in her words, "not ready" to have children. So she got an abortion, and filmed it, and is now a hot target for online critics.

New Mexico Legalizes Gay Marriage

Adam Weinstein · 12/19/13 02:45PM

New Mexico's Supreme Court unanimously declared it unconstitutional to deny marriage licenses to gay or lesbian couples Thursday afternoon, making the state No. 17 in the union (plus the District of Columbia) to legalize gay unions.

Americans Scoff at American Dream by a 2-1 Margin

Hamilton Nolan · 12/11/13 10:26AM

"The American Dream" was a popular fairy tale of the latter half of the 20th century, featuring a plucky-but-average citizen triumphing over the circumstances of his birth in a golden-hued land of opportunity. Modern Americans seem almost embarrassed their forefathers ever embraced such a myth.

Lacey Donohue · 11/28/13 12:10AM

[Vernita Gray, left, and Patricia Ewert hold their Illinois marriage license after they were married in Chicago on Wednesday. While the state's gay marriage law takes effect in June 2014, the couple was granted an expedited marriage license because Gray is terminally ill. Photo by Charles Rex Arbogast via AP]

Lacey Donohue · 11/20/13 11:42PM

[Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn signs the state's Religious Freedom and Marriage Fairness Act into law during ceremonies on Wednesday in Chicago. The bill, which won't take effect until June 1, makes Illinois the 16th state to legalize same-sex marriage. Photo by Charles Rex Arbogast via AP]