
Rich Juzwiak · 10/07/13 01:59PM

"A lot of my hair stylists and my beauty team that I work with are gay so I hang out with gays a lot, and I just think they're absolutely thrilling and adorable and hilarious." - Britney Spears

Local Official Defends "Humorous" Facebook Post About Shooting Muslims

Adam Weinstein · 05/01/13 08:40AM

Barry West, a commissioner for Coffee County, Tennessee, apparently thinks there's only one appropriate way to wink at a Muslim, and it involves a double-barreled shotgun. He posted the above image to his Facebook timeline...where Muslim activists found it. And West's home phone number.

Bill to Legalize Gay Marriage Clears Major Hurdle in Washington State

Nell Jensen · 02/02/12 01:17AM

The Washington state Senate voted 28 in favor (including four Republicans) to 21 against late Wednesday evening to pass a bill legalizing gay marriage. The bill now goes to the House, where it's expected to pass, and Governor Chris Gregoire has already said she will sign it. So basically, the hard part is over and gay and lesbian couples will be able to get married by June unless crabby homophobes can muster around 120,000 signatures before that time to force a referendum.

With One Interview, Fat Joe Makes Hip Hop Safe for Gays

Hamilton Nolan · 11/10/11 02:12PM

We truly are living in a new era of sexual equality. Guanabee points us to this VLADTV interview with Fat Joe, who at least began his career as a no-joke hardcore New York gangster rapper. In response to a question about whether he think he's ever done a song with a gay rapper, he responds "Yes," and shrugs off the whole thing: "Niggas is gay. There's millions of gay people in the world. Girls too... I'm a fan of 'Yo, I'm gay. The fuck.' Like, 2011 you gotta hide that you're gay? Like, you know what I'm saying, like, be real, like 'Yo I'm gay, what the fuck.' If you gay you gay. Like that's your preference, you know? Fuck it if the people don't like it."

Bare Boob Advocate Bares Boobs in Court

Hamilton Nolan · 10/13/11 08:16AM

Holly Van Voast (pictured, center) is a woman with a bold name and an equally bold cause: breasts, breasts, breasts. Holly Van Voast's breasts, specifically. In public! In a courtroom! Breasts everywhere, for all!

Kool Aid Wants Hispanic People Drinking Nothing But Kool Aid

Hamilton Nolan · 05/27/11 10:25AM

For too long, Hispanic Americans have been forced to tolerate a world in which artificial food products were not advertised to them with satisfactory ferocity. No longer. You Spanish-speakin' people want some dang Kool Aid? We gotcher Kool Aid!

Americans: Selfish Hypocrites

Hamilton Nolan · 03/22/11 12:09PM

Funny thing, about America: we think things should be pretty equal, money-wise. We're not so into huge gaps between rich and poor. But when we learn massive inequality exists, what do we do? Nothing! We're also selfish, in America.

Massachusetts Voters Reject Female Topless Equality

Hamilton Nolan · 11/03/10 04:03PM

Regarding the other ballot measure you were all wondering about: voters in the 3rd Berkshire District in Pittsfield, Massachusetts rejected a proposal to allow women to walk around topless in public. Their reasoning, though, was odd.

Futurama Celebrates 100 with a Disgusting Mutant Uprising

Henry Baker · 09/02/10 11:25PM

Like all great things meant for nerds, Futurama, especially this season, has dealt with a lot of issues of equality and acceptance. On the 100th episode tonight, mutants finally gained theirs (Leela included) with an old fashioned sewer march.

Women in Maine Stage Topless Protest for Equality

Ravi Somaiya · 04/30/10 04:56PM

The women of Maine are sick of men being allowed to take off their shirts on hot days, while women must keep their chests, with associated ornaments, hidden. A couple of dozen just staged a topless march about it.

Navy Submarines: Now Coed!

Max Read · 04/29/10 08:40PM

Women will likely be allowed to serve (but not to smoke) on submarines starting in April. That joke—"What's long and hard and full of seamen?"—now goes, "What's long and hard and full of seamen and women?" [LAT]

Gays Want Nicer Ads

Hamilton Nolan · 09/23/08 04:51PM

A nonprofit group called Commercial Closet is trying to persuade the ad industry to be less stereotypical when it comes to portraying LGBT issues (THE GAYS). That would mean not making ads like that one Nike ad with the balls in the face or that other Snickers ad with Mr. T and the gun aimed at the possibly gay individual. Considering how much progress the ad industry has made with the race issue, we'd bet on South Carolina levels of sensitivity for the foreseeable future. Keep your gay cooties out of Bill O'Reilly's mayonnaise, homos. [Ad Age]