Viagra Ads Invade GOP Website As Pfizer Sells Sex Pills Online
Ken Layne · 05/06/13 12:21PMBetter Talk to Your Kids About Sex All the Time
Hamilton Nolan · 11/15/11 05:34PMGovernment Pays $3.1 Million for Boner Pills, Blames 'Software'
Jim Newell · 03/14/11 04:04PM
When the federal government launched the Medicare Part D program to pay for seniors' prescription drugs in 2006, it banned Viagra and other erectile dysfunction drugs from eligibility. Fortunately the federal government screws up and breaks the law all the time. And for a brief period in 2007 and 2008, a "software error" did, in fact, allow old men to buy boner pills on Uncle Sam's dime.
Things That Are Now Embarrassing to Search For on Google
Maureen O'Connor · 09/08/10 04:29PMThe Artificial Penis Is Tantalizingly Close to Becoming Reality
cityfile · 11/10/09 01:48PM
A group of researchers report they successfully created artificial penises in rabbits by taking cells from the animals, growing the penile tissue in a lab, and then reimplanting it into the rabbits. Clearly this is encouraging news for owners of pet rabbits who suffer from erectile dysfunction. But does this mean the artificial penis will one day be available to humans and possible replace drugs like Viagra? Possibly. "We don't quite understand why it works, and it has yet to be replicated in anything more sophisticated than a rabbit," says one fertility expert at NYU. But "this could be a huge advance in the treatment of erectile dysfunction," says another. Talk to your doctor to find out if an artificial penis is right for you. Just wait about a decade to do so. [ABC News, NYDN]
Drudge Warns of Imaginary Killer Boner Spider
Pareene · 03/20/09 01:47PMLevitra Wisely Finds Model Who Appeals To Older Men Only
Hamilton Nolan · 02/05/08 11:46AM
Jerry Hall, the former wife of Mick Jagger who once said "A woman needs to be a cook in the kitchen and a whore in the bedroom," is the new spokesperson for the erection-bestowing pill Levitra. Makes sense, because most men who would consider Jerry Hall to be a sex symbol are now of the age where some Levitra could come in handy. Hall herself needed another gig since her VH1 reality show "Kept," which consisted of her mulling over which of a dozen younger men would become her "boy toy," has been off the air since '05. And the eventual winner of the prize, official boy toy Seth Frye, won't be needing any Levitra; he said after the show, "I never even kissed Jerry. I wan't attracted to her at all. She was a little to old for me."