Low-rent Viagra text ads blanketed a National Republican Congressional Committee website just as Pfizer announced the popular senior erection helper will now be available online directly from the manufacturer.

The text ads for online Viagra sales appeared on the NRCC.org site over the weekend, but they didn't work any better than the usual content on the Republican congressional marketing site—clicking "viagra prostate cancer" or "catholic church viagra" or any of the other SEO phrases only led to an error page at a UC Berkeley domain for using mobile phones as microscopes, yet another layer of "tiny penis" humor aimed at the GOP.

It was an excellent time for Pfizer to announce its famous blue pill will now be available directly from the pharmaceutical giant's website, sparing "bashful" old men the indignity of having to wait in line behind a bunch of teenaged girls picking up their birth control pills.

Pfizer marketing executives claim the direct-to-mailbox sales will also save elderly men from the disappointment of buying fake Viagra from less reputable websites, such as NRCC.org.

[Photo via Shutterstock.]