
Fox News Anchor Remembers Video of Muslims Celebrating 9/11, Can't Remember If It Was Pakistan or Paterson

Brendan O'Connor · 12/01/15 11:28PM

“So I remember this day, and I stood on the New York side and I watched the plane fly into the tower. I remember the next day, and I remember the news reports, and I remember specifically the news reports about Jersey City. They said people were on the roofs watching the planes fly in. They were tipped off prior to the thing. And this was, this was the narrative that was going on. I remember video, I don’t remember if it was Pakistan or Paterson. But there was also a lot of talk,” Fox News’ Eric Bolling said, at a round table discussion, on Monday.

Fox News Host Calls Female Fighter Pilot "Boobs On the Ground"

Allie Jones · 09/25/14 09:32AM

On Wednesday, Fox News host Kimberly Guilfoyle attempted to do a nice segment on "The Five" about the United Arab Emirates' first female fighter pilot. Fellow hosts Greg Gutfeld and Eric Bolling cut in with titty jokes because ha ha, the pilot is a lady doing a man's job, ha ha ha.

Who Will Stop These Muppets from Tarnishing Fox News' Good Name?

Jim Newell · 01/30/12 03:05PM

The Muppets are liberal. No, they are communists. This, according to the Fox Business Network's Eric Bolling, who went on a spiel last month decrying the latest Muppet film's choice of villain — a greedy Texas oilman, a common stock villain in Hollywood motion pictures. And now the Muppets have publicly acknowledged their sharp commie biases, by making a joke about how terrible a television channel Fox News is.