On Friday, Fox News host Eric Bolling apologized for the sexist, nonsensical "boobs on the ground" joke he made earlier this week at the expense of the UAE's first female fighter pilot, telling The Wrap in a statement, "My remark was not intended to be disparaging of her, but that's how it was taken."

Bolling also apologized for his initial apology, made on Thursday's episode of The Five, which he called "inadequate," saying:

I am sorry for what I said. I believe that [UAE Air Force pilot] Major al Mansouri is a hero. She is courageous, brave, and she deserves our praise, not inappropriate jokes. I appreciate that she is fighting the extreme radicals that threaten all of us. She has my admiration and my very, very sincere gratitude.

Though it might not always seem like it, even Fox News has its standards, Rule #1 being you support the troops, even Islam-ish, lady ones. Bolling and co-host Greg Gutfield broke that most sacred commandment on Wednesday, when they followed up a nice, only slightly xenophobic segment about Al Mansouri's airstrikes against ISIS with quips like "Would that be considered boobs on the ground or no?" and "The problem is after she bombed it she couldn't park it."

Gutfield released his own statement on the incident, saying, "The UAE should know that I did not mean to slight their progressive move in having this great woman lead the war on terror, blowing up those heathens. She's pretty awesome."

As of press time, Bolling has yet to apologize for being a holy war hawk who doesn't know his air support from his infantry.

[Image via Fox News]