
'Have You Had Sex with Rick Perry?' Asks Ad

Maureen O'Connor · 08/18/11 07:10PM

Rogue Ron Paul supporter Robert Morrow took out a full-page ad in an Austin alt-weekly to ask a question: "Have you had sex with Rick Perry?" If you are a "stripper," "escort," or "young hottie" who has enjoyed a tall glass of that sweet Texas tea known as Gov. Rick Perry, then the Committee Against Sexual Hypocrisy (CASH) would like a word with you. "Is it a real group? No. It's just me," Morrow tells Salon.

Your Post-Craigslist Guide to Buying Sex Online

Adrian Chen · 09/05/10 03:46PM

As you've probably heard, Craigslist shut down its 'Adult Services' section this weekend, caving to pressure from Attorneys General and anti-trafficking groups. But Craigslist is far from the only place to score sex on the Internet. Here are six alternatives!

How LiLo Overplayed Her Hand with a Bungled European Escort Gig

Maureen O'Connor · 02/12/10 03:52AM

Billionaire Richard Lugner—Austria's prince of nouveau riche—pays an estimated $150K each year for a celebrity escort to the Vienna Opera Ball. Lindsay Lohan landed this year's gig—but apparently bungled the details so badly, Lugner said das fuggedaboudit.

Local Hookers Hit YouTube

cityfile · 09/29/08 11:26AM

What do you do if you operate an escort service or massage parlor in the city and you can't rely on advertising your business in the back pages of New York magazine or the New York Press? (Both titles dropped sex ads in 2007 under pressure from the National Organization for Women.) You take to YouTube, apparently. There are a handful of local escort companies now using the site to serve up R-rated videos that hint at the decidedly more X-rated services they offer. The videos themselves don't feature any nudity—just a bunch of sad women dancing in bikinis in front of the camera—although if you head to the sites advertised on the bottom of the screen, you'll see that a lot more than a strip tease is available. (One site promises that your escapade will be "100% ANONAMOUS," just in case the Spitzer saga has you worried.) After the jump, a handful of amusing New York City hooker videos for your afternoon enjoyment.

Caddies Will Now Take Care Of Your Balls

Hamilton Nolan · 04/04/08 01:42PM

Las Vegas: where every imaginable tactic of sex-related extortion will eventually become a business plan. Are you a rich, lecherous man who enjoys escort services as well as golfing, and are frustrated at your inability to combine the two? Well wait no longer, because The Platinum Tees are here to take care of your leering needs. The PT's are essentially a bunch of models from an agency in Vegas, with one key difference: they have been "put through rigorous training" to learn how to be golf caddies. Yes, they "know the difference between a putter and wedge, take care of your ball, clean your clubs, drive your cart, fix divots, tend the pin, and most importantly keep you smiling!" I bet they do.

Washingtonienne Only a Fake Escort

Sheila · 03/31/08 09:33AM

As the Post revealed last Friday, Jessica Cutler, who first saw scandal in 2004 with her sex-on-the-Hill blog Washingtonienne (which, while it lost her a job, resulted in a $300,000 book contract), has also been linked to the Wicked Models escort agency. But Cutler told Galleycat that while she knew the escort agency's madam, she didn't work there: "I've been through all this before," she told them, rather world-wearily. In fact, she says her head had been Photoshopped onto bodies in the agency's profile pics. If you click to look a little closer, it totes does seem that way. [via Galleycat]