
Ken Layne · 09/19/13 03:05PM

"A team of British scientists is convinced it has found proof of alien life, after it harvested strange particles from the edge of space," the Independent reports. Will we all be destroyed by alien bacteria? Are we already full of alien bacteria?

Fan-Made Trailer for E.T. Sequel is Awesomely Elaborate

Marie Bardi · 02/23/11 08:00PM

This trailer for ET-X: Extinction features present-day footage of original ET stars Drew Barrymore and Henry Thomas, plus impressive CGI, Bruce Willis, and Morgan Freeman to create a thrilling new chapter to the Spielberg classic. Would you see it?

The Soup Mocks Tiger Woods Reporters

Matt Cherette · 12/04/09 11:25PM

What's better than mocking Tiger Woods? Watching The Soup mock the reporters obsessed with the random, salacious details of the story! After the jump, watch what we think was the funniest part of tonight's episode. Also, a bonus: WENDY. WILLIAMS.

ET Claims Victory In Race For Last Photo Of Michael Jackson

The Cajun Boy · 06/25/09 09:06PM

Entertainment Tonight's website published a photo of Michael Jackson being wheeled into the hospital on a stretcher under the headline "Exclusive Last Photo." The photo is now all over the net and was even displayed during CNN's coverage tonight.

Pat O'Brien: Only I Can Save Iowans From Vomiting

Hamilton Nolan · 09/16/08 10:21AM

It turns out that frequently rehabbed former Insider host and overall smarmy dude Pat O'Brien is an underminer. And one remarkably lacking in self-awareness, at that! We really expect more from men with mustaches. See, Pat just got back from Iowa—he's "a little bit of a favorite son there"—and met the real people. To help them (somehow?), he decided to email this undermine-spirational message to everyone at The Insider and Entertainment Tonight:

ET's Jolie Mistake Unwinds

Hamilton Nolan · 06/05/08 09:04AM

Why did Entertainment Tonight run with—and stand by—the story that Angelina Jolie had had her twins, even after it became clear they had been burned by a bad source? Scrutiny is now falling on an ET producer. Could it be an inside scam? [Jossip]

Entertainment Tonight's Lost Tape Whisperer

mark · 11/09/05 06:21PM

A spy sends us this behind-the-scenes tip from the medium-friendly offices of Entertainment Tonight, where sweeps stuntpeople sometimes lend their gifts to mundane tasks. Our minds are officially blown: