Today's broadcast of Entertainment Tonight featured an ~*~EXCLUSIVE~*~ first look at the Sex and the City sequel, due out next May. What are Carrie, Samantha, Charlotte and Miranda up to? Find out after the jump. Also: a hilarious ET promo.

First, Sex and the City 2. Not much is revealed here—except for the fact that the movie is set two years after the first one ended and also seems to contain some sort of random trip to a faraway land—but there's cute outfits. And voice-overs. And puns! Here's your first look at Sex and the City 2.

Also on tonight's show: a hodgepodge promo, so ridiculous that we couldn't help but to share with you. Brittany Murphy's last photo shoot! The continuation of the ET death investigation! The hunt for Doctor. Feelgood! Marie Osmond and Valerie Bertinelli's weight loss battle, and Osmond's desire to be skinnier than brother Donny! Singing dogs! That—and more—tomorrow!

[Entertainment Tonight]