Was SNL's Casey Wilson Fired Because Of A Fat-Hating Lorne Michaels?
Foster Kamer · 09/12/09 11:30AMThese Are Your Excuses For Not Watching Mad Men Tonight
Foster Kamer · 08/16/09 06:45PMAnother Excuse to Pee in Shower
Hamilton Nolan · 08/13/09 03:14PMHank Paulson Is 'On Deadline,' Sure
Hamilton Nolan · 08/11/09 12:09PMOlbermann Plays the Bereaved Son Card in the Richard Wolffe Fiasco
The Cajun Boy · 08/07/09 01:52AMCokehead Excuse of the Day: 'I Kissed a Girl With Coke on Her Lips'
Hamilton Nolan · 07/16/09 08:30AMJohn Thain and the Art of the Modern Non-Apology Apology
Owen Thomas · 01/27/09 12:18PMJeremy Piven Willing to Contract Any Disease That Will Get Him Off Broadway
Kyle Buchanan · 12/19/08 12:11PMMeet Mercury-Poisoned Jeremy Piven's Fishy Celebrity Doctor
Richard Lawson · 12/18/08 05:12PM'Avid Sushi Eater' Jeremy Piven Blames Spicy Tuna For Neuro-Muscular Dysfunction
Kyle Buchanan · 12/18/08 04:21PMColin Farrell Finally Comes Clean About His Sex Tape: 'I Think I Was High'
Kyle Buchanan · 10/14/08 05:55PMNow that a rehabbed Colin Farrell is sober and on the mend (and has put on some pounds since his "homeless dude outside Trader Joe's" days), it's time for him to pull a Britney and wonder aloud, "What the hell was I thinking?" Naturally, any investigation of his substance-aided antics would inevitably turn to the sex tape he made with Playmate Nicole Narain, and during a recent BBC appearance, Farrell attempted to explain away the indiscretion the best way he knew how.What made the actor shout "I FUCKING LIVE ON PORN!" and "Aw, the battery's dead...so is my fucking cock" while copulating in a depressing Valley one-bedroom? The answer, it may not surprise you to hear, was that he was totally high and turned on by the taboo of the camera. Still, Farrell claims that he has learned one valuable lesson: it's fine to make a sex tape, just don't leave it behind when you straggle out to the Albertson's on Ventura at 5am for a Hot Pocket and some lube.
Youth Culture To Blame For Mid-Life Crises Says Middle-Aged Man
Joshua David Stein · 01/15/08 08:54AM
In today's Times man o' science Richard A. Friedman, 51, explodes the myth of the mid-life crisis. Turns out all men are pigs! Just kidding. Kind of. (Some men are rats, too.) But, notes Friedman, "[y]ou have to admit that 'I'm having a midlife crisis' sounds a lot better than 'I'm a narcissistic jerk having a meltdown." It's true. It does. He goes on to cite a study that most middle-aged men are happy. So who's to blame for the enduring myth of the Midlife Crisis? Kids, of course!
Emily Gould · 09/28/07 11:00AM
Penguin is actually suing to get its advance back from biographer David Brinkley, which publishers almost never do. Ballsy! Brinkley was meant to deliver his manuscript about the life of crappy-writer idol Jack Kerouac way back in 2001, and he says he missed his deadline because he was being painstaking: "I'd rather take my time because the material is so great." Uh huh. Dog, homework. [NYS]
Lindsay Lohan's Oscar Dreams Frustrated By Media's Obsession With Where She Parties Until 6 AM
mark · 05/01/07 11:27AM
We've long felt that the only thing standing between extravagantly talented actress and criminally mislabeled "party girl" Lindsay Lohan and a record-setting string of Oscar wins is the ongoing and coordinated efforts of the tabloid media to destroy her once-unimpeachable artistic credibility; for example, had the press not developed an untoward fixation with the sudden shrinkage and then re-bazooming of her her breasts, her subtle work in Herbie: Fully Loaded almost certainly would have received the awards attention it deserved. Lohan confirms our theory about the media's frustrating interference with her professional development: